” It was at the crucial press conference that Anna Kinberg Batra had two years ago, when the Conservatives went out and chose the path. Over a fairly long period, and we had internal discussions about the perception of The sweden democrats. Then opened the Conservatives up to initiate talks with The sweden democrats, and on the way to count it in his dossier. Then basically followed both in the media and in closed rooms a year and a half of discussions on how we look at The sweden democrats.

I said, both on what would happen if we became larger and we became smaller. If the Alliance would become greater, we would seek support for a alliansregering. If we became less, the Alliance would not be able to form a government on their own, in this situation, so it would require blocköverskridande call. This is where we landed and this is where the discussion has revolved during the autumn. I was also quite clear that I am not going to sit in an S-led government, we do not now. We get the impact of liberal bourgeois politics, we are a liberal opposition party who assumes the responsibility of Sweden would finally get a government. The reason why I have not commented on a M-KD-solution that takes the active support of SD before the elections was to Ulf Kristersson was so clear that this would not happen. He used terms such as ”keep on dreaming” or ”if the sky is falling down”. I felt safe in the information that the Conservatives gave.

Image 1 of 2 Annie Lööf. Photo: Magnus Hallgren Slide 2 of 2 Annie Lööf. Photo: Magnus Hallgren Slideshow

” We felt extremely disappointed, a few weeks after election day, when M and KD broke their campaign promises and went out on their own, in a sharp statsministeromröstning like to take up with the active support of the SD. We were again with our criticism, but we felt that they left us to form a government on its own. We said no in that situation, I wanted to keep together the Alliance. We continued working day and night. I have practically worked every weekend throughout the autumn to find solutions where the Alliance can hold together. But I never experienced that the man was genuine in his thought to find blocköverskridande solutions with MP and S. these options were tested never sharp in the parliament.

” We realized that we were faced with two bad choices and we have to make the choice so that Sweden now has a government. Then, we focused on the content and to the Left krokas and where we may go in, and take responsibility by budgetsamverkan so that Sweden gets a good liberal reform agenda. The feelings was rather a frustration that we are not pulled in the same direction that the Alliance would hold together.

” I think still that the Alliance exists. We have many successful partnerships, locally and regionally. I want to continue to have a good talk and co-operation at the national level. I understand the disappointment that M and KD know. It is the same disappointment I felt in the fall when they are on their own went to seek the support of SD. I am assuming that when the dust settles, they realize that if we are to have a chance to replace this government the next election, we need to have good tone and work together in the coming years.

– I would rather say that it is the Conservatives and Their choices that will determine the Alliance’s future. If you continue to make advances against SD, locally, regionally and on a national level, then it will be more difficult to find a common way forward. But I assume that both M and KD want to have a strong civil interaction with both the liberal and conservative parties. Therefore, I believe that you will realize it and want to have a good co-operation. My door is open.

” very much. Above all, the political content. When we said no to Stefan Löfven before christmas, it was neither the MP or the S been able to meet us at crucial points around the liberal centerpartistiska proposal. It was from the private ownership and the forest, frihetsreformer in rural areas, lower thresholds into the labour market for those who are unemployed, both through reforms of the employment services and reduced costs for the company.

” I think that’s took us for granted in decembers negotiations and was a little surprised that we actually were serious about the political content is important to us. I said throughout the fall that either there is a political content important to them, and then they release a alliansregering and get sakpolitiska concessions, or so is the power important to them, but then they may also find themselves in a liberal, bourgeois politics.

that made it crashed in december was that there were too many exits for S. There were no clear timelines, there were caveats, there were a number of weak writes in for us, the important issues became clearer. The employment service will be now according to the model we pushed the last decade, where we open up for the law about freedom of choice, where you’ll get to choose between stand-alone players. Before it was half-baked. The green party could not initially agree on a number of statements about the forest, which you then did to get a compromise. It was good that we tested each other in december. We realized all four of if it is to get rid of so it is important that you can compromise, that you can give and take. Although C has given much to find a compromise.

” It was not so. However, I have all the time been prepared to shoulder responsibility if Sweden needed it. My ultimate goal was not there. The reason is that we on the day of the election was a 8,6-procentsparti. I wanted to find a solution where the Alliance could hold together. It would be easier to find a such a by a C L-solution, which has a base in the Alliance’s reform agenda, and that then becomes the framsläppt over blockgränsen so I could imagine it. It was also what I tried in my sonderingsuppdrag. But it was no.

” it is important For me to do what he promises voters. For many years I have been clear that I did not want to sit in an S-led government. However, I want to be constructive, broad blocköverskridande solutions and the impact of our policies. For the integration, enterprises, countryside and the environment. Ensure that ytterkantspartier not influence. By the solution, we can also keep what we promised before the election. I think we get the best impact when the S-MP government is sitting on our sufferance, when we are negotiating from the parliament and when we are running on a liberal opposition party.

– It is a fact that the Left party does not have influence over the direction of policy. The reason is that S, MP, C, and L is the largest constellation and get through both the budget and the bill. We do not need support from another party. For this reason krokas V of the by we take on the responsibility.

” What happened last week was the most vänsterskrammel because Jonas Sjöstedt, had a need to save face in front of their own members.

– We will come back to it, of course. But what we got through is a miljardsatsning on the deleted employer’s social security contributions when you employ someone who is new on the labour market. It is introduced from the next budget. Another important part is to fix up the LSS, the personal assistance and one-third part deals with environmental and climate measures for more renewable energy and to set the transport sector.

” We have a complicated position in Swedish politics. We have an election that challenged the traditional blocks. If all had remained as we had still not found a solution. By C has moved, we now have a solution where we tolerate an S-MP government because the each financial year, must earn our trust. Is it so that they do not implement the agreement, we have no budgetary cooperation. Then fall their budget in the parliament and another budget win.

– In the situation get’s to decide. It is important to have a good co-operation and listen to those you are working with, I believe that this budgetary cooperation will work well. Is it the case that delay investigations and do not meet the januariavtalet so, there are a number of tools that we can use in the riksdag. But we can’t start the cooperation by discussing the different forms of exit. Now, we have entered into a januariavtal, all four party leaders who are involved in this have been clear that it will be implemented.

– and they have not, then a budget going through parliament. Firstly there is the vote of no confidence to use if you do not take care of themselves. If the budget falls, it becomes a geographical government, and therefore will fulfill the agreement. You should know that it is a great test for S. in a transparent way tested their self-image of how they are in cooperation with other parties. How they fulfil their promises, and if you can trust their words. It is a great responsibility that Stefan Löfven has in this case.

– We vote on our budget in that case.

– Winner. Or, above all, a winner on the basis of a sakpolitiskt perspective. We have been through very very liberal author policy. Reform areas we wanted to get the impact in 10-15 years time, not least as we sat in alliansregering. It is about lower costs for job and business, it is about frihetsreformer for the rural areas, it is about the developed freedom of choice in welfare. There are few who thought that the S would buy such an agenda.

– But this journey is not easy. Therefore, it is wrong to use the word winner. There are no winners in this. I see it rather like Sweden has a government.