If you are 17 years old today and in the doctrine as a craftsman, you can look forward to being able to retire with your pension when you reach age 75.

But particularly run-down shall have the right to withdraw from the labour market earlier. It proposes Democratic president ms Mette Frederiksen now.

– What we have today is not working. There are imbalances and injustices in that it is only a matter of whether you have reached a certain age, says Mette Frederiksen, in an interview with the Newspaper Denmark.

Later on Tuesday will-the president present a proposal, in which she suggests that the run-down shall have the right to early pension.

– It is about our working life is very different. Some have gone straight out of the seventh, eighth or ninth grade and started working in the fishing industry on Læsø. While we have a relatively big group that first comes out of the labour market in the mid to late twenties. Already from the beginning we have a disparity of up to 10 years. And those who come at the earliest in the labour market, have the toughest job. It is a fundamental injustice. We need to recognise that some may not have a good working life and seniorliv, if we do not do something significantly different than today, says Mette Frederiksen of the proposal ‘The most run-down also deserves a dignified pension.

According to Mette Frederiksen, it must in the future be up for an ‘individual assessment’ when the citizens will redeem the right to withdraw earlier from the labour market.

so far, Mette Frederiksen, however, according to the Newspaper, Denmark does not put forward the conditions for how you can get the right to early old-age pension. According to the newspaper, members of the public wait until after a possible election victory for Mette Frederiksen, before the party together with the social partners will determine how this must happen. But the goal is, according to S-the chairman, that the rules must be able to apply from next year.

Mette Frederiksen, was himself a key player in the government as minister for employment during the prime minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt, as a settlement reached by a majority of around the then S-led government accelerated the phasing in of the so-called velfærdsforlig and took early retirement.

Helle Thorning-Schmidt was not, however, tampered with the retirement of worn-out politicians.

Extra Leaf, in the autumn of last year the situation for a number of physically hard occupations, where employees with the projection of the public pension age in the future will be older and older before they can retire.

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