“Free SL cards for young people can come back”

“Sommarlovskortet – which gave school students the opportunity to travel free with the SL during the holiday was introduced by the Party two years ago and was removed of M and KD.”

“Now think MP that it may be on the way back. “

“In the budget negotiations with the government in 2017 ran the Party through the venture that would apply in three years, and that meant that the school children between 12 and 18 years of age could ride free on public transport during the summer.”

“When the new majority M, KD and MP took power in Stockholm after the election – scrapping of the project. “

“Now there is hope that the card can come back:”

“– It was a popular reform, says regionrådet Tomas Eriksson (MP) to mitti. “

“But sommarlovskortet was not as popular with trafikregionrådet Kristoffer Tamsons (M) despite the fact that the region went plus on the deal.”

“– It has all the time been a temporary contribution, and now it became more temporary than it was supposed to, he said to the magazine for christmas.”

” Tomas Eriksson (MP) – which sits in coalition with the civil – is, however, optimistic and hopes that the government reinstates the contribution that re can give Stockholm the opportunity to provide the city’s young people with sommarlovskort. “

“the Left party in the Stockholm Region expect that the reforms that the party agreed with the government shall continue to apply and to sommarlovskortet will return:”

“– We are reversing the Eu and will help to fight for a more equal society, ” says Anna Sehlin (V), oppositionsregionråd, in a press release.”