In the new Swedish government under prime minister Stefan Löfven is replaced, relatively few ministers.

There are many repeats from the previous government, which also consisted of the social democrats and Miljöpartiet.

Among the reappointed nøgleministre the minister of finance Magdalena Andersson, minister for foreign affairs Margot Wallström and minister of defence Peter Hultqvist. They are all three from the social democrats.

The Swedish news agency TT writes that Löfven has six new names in his government, which has the support of the centre party and the Liberalerna.

The new ministers from Miljöpartiet is Åsa Lindhagen, who becomes minister for equality, integration, and Amanda Lind, who becomes minister of culture.

Miljöpartiets leader, Isabella Lövin, is deputy prime minister and minister of the environment.

Anders Ygeman (S) are energy – and digitaliseringsminister in a newly-created ministry of infrastructure.

Ygeman, who is considered to be one of Socialdemokraternas coming stars, was dismissed as minister of the interior of the Löfven in 2017 after an it scandal regarding the leak of personal data in connection with the privatisation of public records.

the Sacking of Ygeman happened after pressure from the opposition parties, who expressed distrust, because there allegedly had been withheld information to the public.

Veterandiplomaten Hans Dahlgren (S) becomes the new EU minister on a post where he is directly under the prime minister.

Dahlgren has a long history as an ambassador, until he in 2013 was a part of the top partitop with the social democrats.

Matilda Ernkrans (S) will the minister for higher education and research, and Jennie Nilsson (S) gets the post of minister for rural development.

The formal change of government happens at 14.15 at a special meeting at the royal palace with the king, the crown princess, to the Parliament, the president and the new government.

Löfven received less than 175 votes against in the Parliament, when he Friday was to vote as prime minister. Thus was the longest government crisis in Sweden’s history is over.

the 115 members of the Riksdag voted in favour of the Löfven, while 77 members abstained from voting. 153 members voted against Löfven.

It had required 175 negative votes to block the re-election of Löfven.