Klaus Schwab keeps a straight face. No feeling on the trains of the eighty-year-old to read. Schwab lectured about his great success story, the world economic forum. The in Ravensburg-born Economics Professor in an empty tone of voice to know that the 49. Annual meeting of 22. – 25. January is time to Shine again as a Congress of superlatives: More than 3,000 Top decision makers from business and politics to follow the call of the forum founder Schwab in the icy Davos, including 60 heads of state and heads of government like German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Nowhere else do so many leaders and bosses come in such a small space together, such as in the seclusion of the Swiss Alps. Davos, that is the Gala of the self-proclaimed global Elite. And the illustrious group to improve in the heavily guarded luxury destination, the “state of the world” – the lofty Motto of the forum is for years.

The majority of visitors have their advantage in mind

this is Necessary. Because the Rich and Powerful, dark clouds. “Global risks intensify, but there is a lack of collective will to solve them”, warns the world economic forum (WEF) in its latest Report. UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, is full of worry: “The world is a mess.” In addition to the many armed conflicts and climate change Guterres, who also travels to Davos lists, and the diverse economic and social hazards: trade conflicts, debt crisis, gap between the Poor and the rich. “People make a world in which a handful of people owns as much as half of all earth’s inhabitants,” writes Guterres, the Davosianern.

the Congress of the globalization’s winners will discuss all of these issues to some 350 individual events, a compulsory guilty. And the participants say ‘ Yes ‘ to Schwab’s “Davos 2019 Manifesto”. In the paper the Davos Impresario calls a “new framework for global cooperation”. However, the majority of visitors have their own advantage in mind.

So will the boorish President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, present for the first time on the big international stage – and the veritable man of the state of mimes. Other political sizes, as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan, and of Israel, the heads of government of Benjamin Netanyahu to the President of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa, use Davos to profiling.

this year U.S. President Donald Trump and his Delegation did not appear to be due to the budget dispute in Davos, Switzerland, fits the majority of the States present arms well. Now is not to be feared, that Trump steals the Show. As the self-cast 2018 deed. However, the backing down of the traditional hochkaratig occupied U.S. team is expected to meet the status of fixed WEF boss Schwab hard.

Also, Bono and a child Prodigy, Clara, She come

far from the bustle and the noble words of the well-1700 economy will make captains of contacts and transactions thread. Nothing else expect their employers. The list of corporations that support as “partners”, the WEF annual meeting, reads like an Alphabet of the biggest companies in the world: From the Alliance about BP, Goldman Sachs, Facebook and Microsoft to Nestlé, Unilever and Volkswagen. Garnished Davos with artists such as the rock singer Bono or the child Prodigy Clara Shen, whose violin playing entranced the music world. The Nobel hostels, the Seehof, or the Belvedere, offer the atmosphere for the spectacle – and into the coffers of the Hoteliers, millions of Euros are in a few days.

However, many Swiss are disturbed by the vain society that makes every year in January in Davos, wide. So Helvetia young socialists will be on Thursday (24.1.) in the crowded town for the Protest March. The Demonstration is directed against the champagne-Drinking “of the world’s elite on the expense of the Swiss taxpayers”.

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Casdorffs Agenda Kramp-Karrenbauer. in Davos

Stephan-Andreas Casdorff

profiling, in fact, the WEF holds back with his billion-dollar partners posh, when it comes to the settlement of the immense expenditures for the security Thousands of police and soldiers to protect the guests in the mountain fortress, from above, the air force monitored the fray. According to Swiss media, the WEF comes on only for a quarter of the security costs of several million euros. The Rest remains with the state.