in the 1970s, Stern had warned of the sometimes dramatic film footage in front of a thoughtless dealing with the nature and shortcomings. His ARD program “star hour” saw many. Last Thursday, the Journalist and preservationist at the age of 96 years died.

The following assessment has been taken Horst Stern 30 years ago: “I believe that today is still a great, there is certainly no great public demand for Think. Today is a tremendous public demand for Action. Today, we know basically everything that you would have to do. Only you don’t do it. For a variety of reasons, we need not discuss them here because they are known to everyone. Group egoism, and of this famous homicide argument of ‘jobs’ and the other two dream – or action killer ‘Who should pay?’ and ‘Is this politically feasible?’ With such formulations, they can kill, of course, any Thinking.”

nature was his subject

he said, just before he went to Ireland, to live and to write – in the nature and about nature. Even if he never wanted to be reduced: The nature, but she was his subject, with a special access point that already in his very first radio broadcast on 1. April 1960 indicated.

“animal love is a wonderful thing. And only rags go after an animal that can’t defend themselves. But all the love is of no use, Yes, you can even be fatal, if not factual knowledge add,” said the star of the show.

facts are true, but provocative

Scientifically, and facts true of the matter, nevertheless, provocative and sharp-tongued in expression, uncompromising in the implementation. This has earned him plenty of awards and honors and the respect of his companions.

The Journalist Claus-Peter Lieckfeld says about his fellow star, this would have triggered the big issue Ecology – animals, plants, climate and made popular. He would have found the language to translate the topic from the Difficult and obscure to Understand. “This has to be done in this Form in front of him none. You could say, in this class or in this precision, it is then hardly ever again.”

“star hour”

star had hired Lieckfeld the beginning of the 1980s, for the magazine “nature”. The Deceased has not established the magazine, but he was also for many years editor-in-chief. This was after his TV time, he judged himself as his most important journalistic time. “Star hour”, which had been, in fact, “star of television” – if also disturbing.

Stern said he would have been, to his knowledge, the First that had gone into it with cameras in this chicken batteries. And he would have been the First, in a fairly shocking pictures showed these fattening mess. This is known in the art, but the Public would have known nothing about it. You have believed that your egg would be produced from manure scratches. As you would have then seen how these animals by the hundreds and by the Thousands under the roof in cages vegetated, it would have been a shock. But it didn’t, of course, pressed the egg consumption. “This went on for a while, went moaning by the egg producers, what I would have done well,” says the star.