Ingvil Smines Tybring-gjedde (54) is a new beredskapsminister. It says the progress party sources to the Newspaper.

Appointment happens when Erna Solberg on Tuesday, presenting the new composition of the government. Solberg will then share the Justice department in two to create space for Smines Tybring-gjedde.

the Newspaper reported Sunday that Bård Hoksrud (Frp) is done in the government. His job as in taken over by the acting Sector manager Olaug Bollestad, according to a variety of media.

Frp will not go down

the Newspaper will now also confirmed from regjeringshold that the conservative party retains seven ministers in the Solberg-government.

Previously it has been assumed that both the conservative party and the Right had to give up at least one minister when the new cabal should be added.

But the conservative party has refused to reduce the number of places around the king’s table to clear space for Better, after the Dagbladet understand. Thus, Ingvil Smines Tybring-gjedde from Oslo into government as a new beredskapsminister, as the Progress required to get landbruksministerposten to Bård Hoksrud.

Smines Tybring-gjedde has in recent years been state secretary in the ministry of Petroleum and energy under the three different oljeministre from the Frp.

the Newspaper also that it is likely that Hans Olav Syversen is state secretary at the Prime minister’s office, which is an important koordineringsrolle for the party in government.

– I can confirm that I am not lederkandidat, says Syversen, who lost his seat in Parliament at the election last fall and now works as a lawyer in the Obos.

– Will not challenge Ropstad as the leader Wara lose responsibility

the minister of justice, Tor Mikkel Wara (Frp) is sitting, but with a much reduced portfolio. Smines Tybring-gjedde, who is married with Frp top Christian Tybring-gjedde, takes responsibility for beredskapsarbeid, civil protection and the polar affairs department in the ministry of Justice, according to NRK.

In an interview with the website Human Rights Service has Smines Tybring-gjedde stated that she did not trust the Norwegian journalists.

– For to say it this way: It costs to be “the wife of” Christian, and it has led to that I don’t trust the journalists. I dare not hardly meet in Dagsnytt 18 or other political debates/interviews. I have no idea what they can find on the. I just know that someone is so malicious, yes that is the word, that they can allow themselves anything. There we got to the degrees experience after 22/7. It was about to break the both of us, and just to talk about it means that I get breathing problems, said Smines Tybring-gjedde.

Listhaugs man høyaktuell

the Newspaper verified that the Herb Fossum (Frp) ending as the secretary of state for Erna Solberg.

Several names have been discussed internally in the government to fill his place. According to Dagbladet sources is Espen Espeset (Frp), the husband of Frp-top Sylvi Listhaug, høyaktuell to take over the Fossums job by the Prime minister’s office.

Here meetings Ingvil president Xi Jinping in Beijing. The last time they met at her home – in 1979