In a typical house in the Oslo area, stands a man in the middle of 40-years and waiting on us. He greets kindly and welcomes us into the warmth. Outside of wasting snøkaoset that so often puts the traffic out of the game.

Time it bears the mark of a busy family life, with a lot of shoes, jackets and equipment to lubricate the cross-country skis.

When Frode Olafsen, managing director at SpyShop, moving toward the laundry room in the dwelling, it is difficult to see what something that stands out at the room. Then slide Olafsen on it that looks like a regular closet.

Which shows the entrance to the panikkrommet up.

It takes 30 seconds to get in here from the couch. We have checked, says boligeieren.

PANIKKROM: One would not believe that there was a room behind the closet. Here can the family hide themselves about in the event of a dangerous or threatening situation. Photo: Jørn H. Moen / Dagbladet Show more Innbruddssikkert

the Man does not want to stand up with the names, but allows the Newspaper to come for a visit to see panikkrommet. He also don’t want to say exactly what he works with, but says that he works in the security industry.

It is because of the job that this panikkrommet exist.

– This is a room you should be able to escape to the inside of their own dwelling to get in the security, explains Olafsen.

The characteristics of all the rooms is that it should be relatively innbruddssikkert, so that one should not be able to get into your room from the outside. So, you can choose between different security measures, in addition to the room itself.

HIDDEN: – We can deliver hidden rooms, so that the door is disguised with something else, for example, a skapseksjon, a shelf or a refrigerator. It can also just be a room in the house, ” says Frode Olafsen. Photo: Jørn H. Moen / Dagbladet Show more Two categories,

Olafsen says that the SpyShop delivers panikkrom to all kinds of people.

Ranging from the richest in Norway, to more ordinary people. I tend to divide it into two kategorigrupper: Those who have been exposed to an attack and want to protect themselves, and those who have a job or position that makes you more vulnerable.

Mangemillionæren was brutally kidnapped in 2015: – They had plans to take the life of me,

the Room exist to protect against someone would want to kidnap or harm those who live in the household.

the Man in the house has a slightly exposed job, and have considered that it may be likely that someone is going to harm him because of the job he has, ” says Olafsen.

– Dad has a special job

a property owner tells him that he got panikkrommet mounted in 2016, and that they chose this solution “to sleep safely at night”.

there Was a special event that made you wanted such a room?

– It is well the profession I have that makes me feel a little exposed. Why I chose it.

In addition to panikkrommet, the house is equipped with video surveillance. On the phone can boligeieren get pushvarsler about the cameras would detect motion outside during the night.

– Then I can see if there is a full guy, or a man in finlandshette. There have been a few deer also, he says, and laughs.

– From I have noted that there is an intruder in the area, so it will take 30 seconds until we are in safety in the room, he adds.

– Have you had the need to use panikkrommet before?

Fortunately, we have not.

How have people close to you know that you have a panikkrom?

– There is no in a very close family that know it. There are only four of us who live here.

the Children know that daddy has a special job, so we practice it a little. It’s like having brannøvelse at school. We take a small “saferoom-exercise” here at home, ” he adds.

BACK UP: Everything is connected on a battery backup, so even if someone takes the power in the house will the phone and overvåkningskameraene still work. Here lock the door with the bolts. Photo: Jørn H. Moen / Dagbladet Show more camera surveillance: From the inside of the room can one see if someone is standing outside. On the screen, you can also see overvåkningsbilder from cameras outside the house. Photo: Jørn H. Moen / Dagbladet Show more

– Many are afraid that people will be kidnapped now. It is not to slide under a chair. When we have sold a lot of sporingsutstyr, among other things, in the belts, ” says Olafsen.

– there Are many who say they take the contact because of the supposed Garden’s abduction from bjarmaland?

There is perhaps little in the cards. Some say it is, while others choose to not say it. But there are more and more now that are conscious of security, and realize that you can’t just sit here and pretend that everything is safe and fine. Risikosituasjonene around Europe have been different, ” says Olafsen.

MISSING: Police believe Anne Elisabeth Hagen (68) has been abducted. She is married to investor Tom Hagen, one of Norway’s richest. Photo: Private / NTB Scanpix Show more

Bortføringssaken at Lørenskog has raised the defence up in the minds of people in the past day, but already before this, there was some norwegians who thought more of personal safety than others, wrote On the previous week.

I have been chief executive for 18 years and at the time we were approaching the 100 rooms in each case, ” says Olafsen.

– Have you got many bookings on panikkrom the last week?

I know that we are going to get through a part sale now. But this is not a milk and bread last. It is a slightly longer process where one plays a little ball back and forth, and comes with suggestions and drawings. I can’t say that we have signed the contracts yet, but it’s going to be more signed contracts.

NOT “PREPPERS”: Home owner tells us that the family is not so-called preppers, the people who actively prepare for disasters or krisetilstander. The room shall be used only as a secure living until the police are on-site. Photo: Jørn H. Moen / Dagbladet Show more Sirens, telephones and gas masks

– Nothing is impossible, but you can not enter here in half an hour with regular innbruddsverktøy, ” says Olafsen and look at the door.

Panikkrommet is equipped with a bullet proof door that will withstand all common handguns. Inside the narrow room is a screen where images from the overvåkingskameraene is displayed. There is a camera outside the room, in addition to the cameras on the outside the house. Boligeieren wanted to protect themselves against gassangrep, and therefore there are also four gas masks hanging on the wall.

In this case is panikkrommet installed with a siren that howls loud, in addition to the blue lights. The siren will scare those who are inside the house or trying to get into the room. One can also have a siren outside, so that you get the attention of neighbors or passers-by, explains Olafsen.

– When putting on the in addition, and it howls and flashes, then are not people and are trying to break up the door here in a half hour.

GAS: a property owner wanted to secure themselves against gassangrep. Gassmaskene is a simple and inexpensive solution, ” says Olafsen. There are also rooms that have their own ventilation systems. Photo: Jørn H. Moen / Dagbladet Show more

no Matter what SpyShops customer wants, is it always a requirement that it should be possible to call for help. It is recommended to have a mobile phone and a fixed line there.

– the Reason for that is that criminals today know that there are “jammere” that can interfere with the mobiltelefontrafikken.

It is not supposed to spend more than 30 minutes in the room.

– When should the help have managed to reach, ” says Olafsen.

He goes out through the narrow entrance, and push the enclosure in place. Then you see the laundry room again like a normal laundry room in a typical house.

Companies offer “kidnappingsforsikring”- is discouraged strongly Dagbladet Plus