“Peace prize: do not Take the threat seriously”

“the Investigator that discourage Sweden from ratifying the agreement on a global kärnvapenförbud receive sharp criticism of the Swedish physicians against nuclear weapons. Particular, the convention has shortcomings, allows the secretary-general Josefin Lind.”

“– But to be able to affect that, you have to go with.”

“It was with disappointment that Lind listened to the investigator’s conclusions. Ambassador Lars-Erik Lundin discourage Sweden from ratifying the kärnvapenförbudskonventionen – Swedish physicians against nuclear weapons worked so hard for by the international campaign Ican, which 2017 received the Nobel peace prize.”

“– Kärnvapenöverlevare and kärnprovsprängningsöverlevare the world over would love to see this recognition, but this investigation does not seem to take their inheritance or the threat of nuclear weapons seriously, ” says Lind.”

“She is certainly with that the convention contains a number of shortcomings – but mean that you have to go with the and become a state in order to be able to affect this.”

“One of the points as Lundin points out is that the convention lacks a proper enforcement mechanism, something that is in the non-proliferation treaty NPT.”

“– We had also seen that the requirements on the verification was stronger, and I think that you are able to arrange for a longer period of time, ” says Lind, who points out that it took over 20 years before the type of control established in the non-proliferation treaty.”

“– So to believe that it would solve itself in this convention is pretty naive, and it knew Sweden already before you went into the negotiations.”

“She claims that the political forces against kärnvapenförbudskonventionen is very strong and is, therefore, as the criticism against it is so great.”

“– Nuclear powers in general and the US in particular don’t want Sweden to go with. They threatened and denied Nato countries to be involved in the negotiations because they want to continue with their nuclear threats and put their arsenals around the world, ” she says.”

“– Sweden is usually not back for the impact, but in this case, it seems to do it.”

“Ican is an international campaign to abolish nuclear weapons and was awarded the Nobel peace prize in 2017. In Sweden operated by the Swedish physicians against nuclear weapons, and the women’s International league for peace and freedom.”

“Ican is an alliance of non-governmental organizations in one hundred countries that promote adherence to and implementation of the UN convention on the kärnvapenförbud. The headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland.”

“Ican organizes global actions and cooperate inter alia with the survivors of the atom bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Among those who have given their support to the campaign are nobel Laureates Desmond Tutu and the Dalai lama.”

“Source: Icans web page”