for more question campaign supports has submitted to the AfD for information NDR, WDR and “SZ” apparently for the first time, the names of donors. The circle between the donations affair, Alice, ryegrass and other contributions from Switzerland now?

The AfD, and Switzerland – again and again, officials of the party have received free campaign help from the Alpine state: election posters, online campaigns, flyers, and Newspapers. As a “Swiss Connection” has to get this compound is already a media name, the Bundestag administration has asked the party to always re-position.

In focus again and again, the Swiss advertising Segert company Goal AG of the German Alexander. She is also the Executive Arm of the “Association for the preservation of the rule of law and civil liberties”. This was stirred for more than three years for the party to free the drum advertising without consultation, such as the AfD claimed.

Behind their large donation from Switzerland a total of 14 individuals should be – says the AfD.

Similar donor name

Weidels district Association of lake Constance had also received a donation from Switzerland, of a Zurich-based company called Pharma whole sale. The had more than paid 130,000 euros to an account of the district Association in favor of the election of ryegrass. So far, it seemed, as the ryegrass-donations affair has nothing to do with the “Swiss Connection” in and around the Goal AG.

According to information from the WDR, NDR and the “süddeutsche Zeitung” there is now a track, which is the least in question. The end of the year, the AfD has sent not only in the donations affair to ryegrass, but also in cases around the Goal AG lists with names of alleged donors to the Bundestag administration. In at least one case, there are now, according to information from the WDR, NDR and “SZ” of Overlap. There are several same names of alleged money seems to be donor on the list of names of the Goal AG and the name list of pharmaceutical wholesale.

The advertising specialist Alexander Segert has close Links to the AfD.

free advertising materials

In the name list, the Goal AG, it was a choice to fight AIDS in the NRW state Parliament election in 2017 for today’s AfD Federal Executive Board and the prospective European election candidate, Guido Reil. The Goal AG had set him free the personal choice of the posters and flyers. Behind the donation of the Swiss-based pharmaceutical company, and grants the Goal AG could be donors, therefore, a similar network of money. This is supposed to be mostly German, some lenders should have a residence in other EU countries.

party chief Jörg Meuthen has already gotten in 2016, support from Switzerland. The party, and he justified the support by the Goal AG and up to now always with a personal, long-standing acquaintance between Meuthen, and the Goal in-chief of Segert. Here, too, there should be a list of several names of alleged money donors. In the current accountability report is now available from several money talk lenders. Whether these names are also identical or similar to the lists in two other cases, is not yet known.