He has arranged boxing matches since 1957, but for the 84-year-old promoter-legend Mogens Palle is not the same economic treasure trove, as it were, for example, in the happy 90’s, where names such as Brian Nielsen, Bredahl brothers, Jesper D. Jensen, Søren Søndergaard and Thomas Damgaard fought a match on the strip and made sure bokseaftener on TV3 over both five and six hours.

Over the past four years it has cost him 12 million to arrange boxing matches under the name Danish Fight Night.

– Yes, it is a lot of money. There is nothing today that can run without tv, acknowledge Mogens Palle, en Ekstra Bladet meets him in the week leading up to Friday’s competition in Nykøbing Falster.

I thought TV2 would be to build something up, but they jumped off after a year. Here I could have chosen to say stop, ” says Palle, which indicates the love for boxing and the boxer as the reason that he’s continue anyway.

– I could have been samvittighedsløs of the young people who had abandoned their amateur career and said that it juts me a feather. But I did not. I continued, and from here it has cost me money, ” says Palle.

It was in 2015 that Mogens Palle and TV2 reached an agreement, as the Pallet went on to be able to expose his boxers. According to the Pallet did TV2, however, not much to help competitions forward, and as they would only extend the agreement on the same terms after the first year, so was a breach ready at the entrance to 2017.

Photo: Olivia Loftlund

He acknowledges that although he still feels that he can keep up the momentum, so there can of course come a day when he can’t afford to lose more money.

– Everything has a limit, ” says Palle.

– But how close are we on it – you can make the rallies the next five years and lose a similar amount?

– I am not thinking five years ahead. Not at my age. I have to admit. I can drop dead tomorrow.

– are you Thinking much on death?

– No, I do not. But you, to it comes. It I need to take with you. The plan far out in the future. It could do in the old days, you know. There was also a long-term contract with a tv. They have earned millions in my boxing matches. Think of what we have made with pay-per-view, ” says Palle and mentions Brian Nielsen against Mike Tyson, which sold the 76,000 subscriptions a 500 kroner.

It gave money to both the tv and the Pallet.

The money, which I use now, I have earned through 60 years. Now I use them in boxing. Everything that I am greedy and avaricious, as some say, it is completely out of the hemp, ” says Palle.

Photo: Olivia Loftlund

Sports and Games Who are the new Kessler? Here are the ten best bid

He reaches the age of 85 years 14. march, and although he, as many older people also enjoy themselves with solving the crossword puzzle and get frokostsilden accompanied by a snaps – just it is not Red in Aalborg, so he has no plans to stop. Family is it is otherwise hard to look at, that the wife is in nursing home with Alzheimer’s. She could not remember where she needs to pee, and Mogens Palle is him, as she is married to.

Citizens have given up trying to get her home again, but his own health is absolutely in the top.

– Apart from a little sore in the back and a slightly bad knees, so I have it good. I’ve just been to hjerteskanning, and he said that it was amazing that as old a geezer as I had so good a heart. It is not because of it, I shall kick the bucket. But one or other must be probably come for all of us, ” says Palle.

He sees a bright future for professional boxing in Denmark and believe that it can be an economic good business again.

– But it will not be in my time. Not with the setting, as sportschefer on Danish tv.

– the Politicians should go into it and say ’look, the DR should cover it all’, but they are not.


Successor in the pipeline

Mogens Palle fills 85 to march, and even though he enthusiastically follows Lise nørgaard’s attitudes to many things, so he expects not even to be 100 years. The question is, who should take over for the Danish professional boxing, if not all boxers should just end with Team Sauerland.

– I can easily see the other take over, but who I will keep for myself so far.

– But you have a replacement in the pipeline?

– Yes, uh well, you know, there are several that can be, ” says Palle.

There are, however, not Citizens daughter, Bettina Palle.

– She is totally out of it. She helps me a little, but the interest is not in the same way to it more, ” says Palle and explains that it was the case with Mikkel Kessler, that caused her to lose the desire.

At the moment, will be competitions presented by Mogens Palle and Brian Nielsen, but there are no plans for that Super-Brian will run the business to ensure on.

– Our relationship is really good. It is me who is doing it, and Brian comes and looks at it, laughs Pallet lovingly.


the Pallet has been 85 but is still going strong. Photo: Olivia Loftlund

New Kessler on the way?

Mogens Palle currently have 12 boxers in its stable, and there is often praise for all, but who expects he really even the most of?

in the here and now are the ones that interest me the most, the heavyweight boxers. And to someone like Oliver Meng, he started his professional career in juniorweltervægt of 63.5 kilos, and now he superweltervægter, and he is 180 centimeters tall. He comes in every fall up in the super middleweight like Mikkel Kessler. He is only 19 years old, so he is a big talent.

And then there Ditlev Rossing, who is only 23 years old, but he has won over world leaders, and beaten them out, ” says Palle.

– Right now it looks sporting good, and if they continue their development, then we achieve a stage as Mikkel Kessler, but he fought his first WORLD cup match after 35 matches, and here they have only bokset between seven and 12 matches. You have to build something up step by step.

You can read much more about Oliver Meng in these three stories:

Boxing – 14. jan. 2019 – at. 13:57 comet without a name: Will you help Oliver?


Here is it has been better since 1957

Mogens Palle, I regret to note that all walking around with smartphones, and that there are no longer children playing on the street, but player computer. A single thing has been better with time.

– Any good to have it here it made. In the old days you had to sit down and write letters to a manager, and so he wrote back, that there is him, and him, and he has the and the record. You might not check that it was true. Today you can just turn up on his sheets, record certificates or and see that all information is correct. It has become much easier. And you can scan the contract and send it off on mail, and then ten seconds after writing the below and send back again. In the beginning was the fax amazing, but it was not long before it was old-fashioned.

You can read much more about Mogens Palle in the four stories including