security personnel are planning a endagsstreik to put pressure on the arbeidsgiverorganisasjonen in advance of the next round of bargaining 23. January.

Protestaksjonen started at midnight at the airport in Hamburg, according to trade union Verdi.

Association of airports ADV warn that proteststreiken going to cripple German air traffic and will touch at least 220,000 passengers.

On the ground

Only in Frankfurt is the airlines cancelled 570 of a 1,200 scheduled arrivals and departures on Tuesday, according to the company Fraport which operates the airport.

The German airline Lufthansa has set 400 of its 640 flights to and from Frankfurt, in addition to 100 of the 630 flights to and from Munich on Tuesday.

the Strike started at midnight local time in Hamburg, Hanover and Bremen. The plan is that security personnel will not be at work all day Tuesday.


In the time clock 14 to the clock 20 will, in addition, around 5,000 employees with the responsibility of checking in passengers and baggage put down the work at the airport in Frankfurt.

It is also planned strikes at airports in Dresden, Munich, Leipzig/Halle and Erfurt.

Union Value requires an hourly wage for security personnel at 20 euros per hour, from the current 17 euro. The employers are only willing to give small lønnsforhøyelser, in line with the weak lønnsstigning in general for workers in Germany.