I was one of the many thousands who met in front of the Parliament on Tuesday 8. January.
That the demonstration against wolf will have any impact on the main line in rovdyrpolitikken, I have no faith in. But the politicians need stemmekveg. A little sandpåstrøing, which to take out some wolves, make the enough. Total rejection in the first place ensures a large buffer.
the centre party wants western tendencies in the Norwegian forests Debate
The ulvemotstanderne which is most visible in the public sphere represents like hunting and utmarksnæringene. All of us, who make up the majority of those who bear the burdens, says not so much. The wolves are often intrusive, not just at night, but also in the middle of the bright day. Into the yard and close to the woodlands, the dogs are taken on hushjørnet, moose and deer disappear.
We who live here have been used to use the forests and from the time we learned to walk. Here is much of our identity. That our children should not be able to roam freely around as we did, is a change of livsbetingelsene in the countryside that can easily be said: “the bottom is falling out”. Frustration and anger in the first place, over time, a deep sorgfølelse.
Ulvekjeftens political power Comment
It is hardly a ulvedebatt/argument without the word “feeling” is used. We in the countryside “feel”that the wolf is dangerous. Implied; we allow us overpower fear that has no real cause. Where historieløs it will be possible to be!
We do not play roulette with our kids. Maybe we should form an organization; “We have the identity in nature’s reality”?
Those who decide how the Uk should look, live is often not where the consequences of the decisions ports. Over approx. a 30-year period have very many gained their livelihood by the to manage it all, millions loose in rovdyrpolitikken.
An attempt to establish some common truths in the rovdyrdebatten Debate
We got in his time hear that we were obliged by Bernkonvensjonen to preserve the unique, nordic ulvestammen. It turned out that this did not exist, but the wolf came and comes still in large number. When Bernkonvensjonen was signed was the wolf never intended and is also not mentioned in this. What happened? Many people know a lot, but who dare to make a mess in it?
Intrepid class struggle had the 4.1. 2017 a very frank interview with the former in Johan C. Løken. It should sent waves over the pretty country. But gravejournalistikk did not happen. Why?
finally: Take a look at the map over the northern hemisphere. Look at the Siberia, in Canada, look at Norway. Look at Norway, once again, thoroughly; A narrow bowel by the border to Sweden is called the wilderness and should belong to these predators. There are living people here!