Australian Open The tennis season in Melbourne in all its intensity started with the Australian Open. Filip Dewulf, our man in Australia, is sitting on the first row and saw last night both a festival as the painful exit of Ysaline Bonaventure.

Sunday night for the true start of the Australian Open, we had a moment of a day off is needed and that we found on the Festival Ground. There may experience each day large (Bastille! Angus & Julia Stone!) and less big bands for the tennispubliek that, um, something else you would like to see than a yellow ball and a few sweaty bodies. It fits within the ever expanding framework of this grandslamtornooi that at the same time, a global topsportevenement, a circus, a children, a food festival and a music festival.

Read also Ysaline Bonaventure after the unnecessary defeat at the Australian Open: “I lost myself”

At the time of entry into the medium – think of Rock Herk – colourful festival site, it was immediately a blue bracelet on the hand printed. ‘Tackling anxiety and depression’ (Tackle anxiety and depression) it was to read. Bit of a strange environment to that loaded topic for discussion. Especially because on the background the Australian group Mental as anything’ was playing (well-known from several hits in the mid – ’80s), but we asked us no more questions, and drank a pint of 9.90 Australian dollars (6 euros). Of the prizes you would otherwise be dejected.