In the United States tomorrow morning, Belgian time, the record of the longest shutdown in the Us history. Today will be the shutdown for 21 days, as long as that of the previous record holder Bill Clinton in 1995 and 1996. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of civil servants their salary is not paid to him by the blocking of the government.

It seemed there this afternoon, according to the American media, not that Trump and the Democrats to agree, so the chance is very large that Trump the sad record of the longest shutdown from American history to his name can write. the

The president took today yet again to the Democrats on Twitter: “Humanitarian crisis at southern border. I am just back and the situation is much worse than almost everybody would think, an invasion! I’m there several times and the Democrats, ‘Crying’ Chuck and Nancy do not know how bad and dangerous this is for the entire country,” he wrote, referring to speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and minderheidsleider in the Senate, Chuck Schumer.

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Trump will not “so fast” declare a state of emergency that made him extraordinary powers would provide him such an opportunity would give yet limes wall with Mexico to build. “The solution of convenience for me is that the state of emergency to call for”, but “I’m not doing it because the Congress is to do that,” said Trump during a conversation about security at the borders.


The shutdown is a disagreement about the budget for the building of the by president Donald Trump desired limes wall with Mexico. The Democratic party does not want money for free. Trump has several times threatened to certain agencies months or even a year closed to keep if the Democrats not agreed to go to 5 billion dollars (4.3 billion euros) to the wall.

By the shutdown should 800.000 civil servants unpaid leave or continue to work without they are paid. For a large part of them was today the day that their wages would be received, but that is so not happening.

Today approved by both the House and the Senate bill is good to the affected employees after the end of the shutdown still has to pay. The draft now goes to president Trump, who also agree to notify the American media.