it Comes after health Minister Spahn, should decide his future on his own authority about what therapies are covered by health insurance, regardless of the study location. Critics are horrified.

Amendment No. 28 to the new date of service and supply act (TSVG). The health is authorized to determine the Ministry itself, which therapies must be paid for by health insurance – even if there is no scientific evidence for Benefit.

the success of the pharmaceutical Lobby?

The request NDR and WDR. It States that the Ministry of health can force health insurance companies to pay for therapies, “whose Use is not assigned in accordance with the principles of evidence-based medicine”. In the explanatory Memorandum for this regulation authorization it is said that the Ministry will put “new examination and treatment methods, independently from a decision of the Federal Joint Committee, in the power catalogue of Statutory health insurance”.

industry experts believe the Minister of health, Jens Spahn planned Change a success of the pharmaceutical and medical device Lobby, which practises the criticism of the strict valuation of the medical benefits of new products.

The IQWiG is the Central body to assess the Benefits of new drugs.

Harsh criticism

Jürgen Windeler, Director of the Institute for quality and efficiency in health care (IQWiG) to assess the Use of new drugs, criticised the bill sharply. “In the future, a treatment method can be put in the care that has no Benefit or is even harmful,” says Windeler. “This is a step backwards in the Standards, we have achieved a long time ago.” For patients this means that you can no longer rely on the fact that treatment methods are safe and useful, criticized Windeler.

so Far, only the Federal Joint Committee (GBA), which drugs and methods of treatment will be paid for in Germany by the statutory health insurance funds. The GBA is required by law to make this decision on the basis of high-quality scientific studies. In the GBA representatives of Physicians, hospitals and health insurance companies sit.

“erosion of evidence-based medicine”

Chairman of the hedges, the former Saarland Minister of health Joseph. He criticized the Spahn proposed change in the law also sharp as a “full System failure”. It was hedges also “a step back into the medical middle ages”. “All the basic principles of evidence-based medicine to be thrown over Board.” Thus, an elementary protection will be abandoned, as patients can be protected from “unnecessary or even harmful treatment options.”

The criticism of the Minister Spahn comes from many directions and is extremely sharp.

The Amendment is not, apparently, agreed with the coalition partner SPD. The Deputy Chairman of the SPD group in the Bundestag, Karl Lauterbach, told NDR and WDR, the proposed change in the law “would be a complete undermining of evidence-based medicine”. It would make the Ministry of health “to a medical super-authority”. “The design is not coordinated with us and the SPD is the support not the consensus in our group,” says Lauterbach.

“dream for the industry – a nightmare for patients,”

The left party Spahns planned change in the law referred to as “the introduction of arbitrary decisions”. New high-risk products could be tested on patients, without the need to be reviewed, whether they were medically appropriate, writes Sylvia fork man, spokeswoman for the medicines policy and the patient rights of the Bundestag group of the Left. It was “a dream come true for the industry and a nightmare for the patients.” She was horrified that a return will be made known of the many medicine products-scandals are so “in the bad, old times at all to the debate.”

First, the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung had reported,” the example of the Liposuction on the proposed Amendment. This example is also cited in the justification for the change in the law. Spahn wants the surgery with a medical fat is paid for distribution trouble in the future. In the view of the GBA the example, however, is unsuitable as a justification for the proposed “System” is sick.

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39 comments on the news

the Latest comment by ‘Allah kadabra’ on 11.01.2019 22:36 PM

Spahn in the barriers

is allowed to win under any circumstances, even more influence. To provide scientific expertise to the decision-making freedom as experienced Minister, the worst thing that can happen to this country….

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