Since Saturday morning it’s official: Donald Trump has the longest. Never before has a Government Shutdown, which lasted to force the closure of most of the ministries and agencies of the United States, for so long. Since 22 days of 800000 staff must remain involuntary and unpaid at home because the two political camps can agree on no budget law. Point of contention is the claim made by the US President to 5.7 billion dollars for the construction of the wall on the border to Mexico.

A compromise that can end the power struggle between the democratic majority in the house of representatives and the Republican President and the Republican majority in the Senate, is not in sight. Trump threatens with measures, which are considered to be breaking the law: the proclamation of national emergency or the reallocation of budget funds, against the will of the Congress.

The previous record fell in Bill Clinton’s term of office: 21 days to the US remained closed administration in December 1995 and January 1996. The power struggle at that time was part of the “conservative Revolution,” to force the Newt Gingrich, the Republican majority leader in the house of representatives, the President’s budget cuts wanted. Clinton vetoed the draft budget of the Congress. The conflict ended with a compromise: The reductions were lower, flanked by fashion’s tax rate increases to achieve a balanced budget. 46 percent of the citizens gave the Republicans the blame for the unpopular government to a standstill, 27 percent of Clinton. In the case of the 1996 elections, the Republicans lost eight seats but retained a majority in the house of representatives.

The statistics show 21 “Shutdowns” since 1976. The third longest, 17 days, fell in September and October 1978, in the term of office of democratic President Jimmy Carter, the fourth-longest 16 days in September and October 2013, in the term of Democrat Barack Obama. Trump, however, is not the first Republican President, with a government still. This power was also used against Gerald Ford, George H. W. Bush, and most frequently against Ronald Reagan.

The credit rating Agency Fitch warns that the Government arrest the US economy damaged. The credit rating – so far, the best grade “AAA” is at risk, said Fitch expert, James McCormack.

The two political camps in Washington insist on their positions. Trump demands $ 5.7 billion for the construction of the wall. A budget act, this amount is missing, he will not sign. The Democrats think that is a waste of money. You want to only authorize $ 1.3 billion for the Expansion of existing border fences and electronic surveillance technology. The budget law lies with the Parliament. A household is only valid if both chambers of Congress, the house of representatives and the Senate, a similar version have been decided and the President of the law with his signature. In the house of representatives the Democrats have the majority in the Senate for the Republicans.

The closure is especially true of the socially Weak

Due to the closure of ministries and authorities, the US administration is left to the citizens a lot of services are guilty of. Often the hits first the most vulnerable. For example, no food shall be allocated brands, to the poor. Pensioners have to wait for your monthly checks. Tax refunds are. National parks are closed, or allow the driveway, you may not care for the visitors.

The state employees will not receive payment. 800000 have to involuntarily stay at home. Employees are for safety, and vital state tasks, unpaid work – for example, the border guards, the Trump attended on Thursday in Texas, in the municipality of McAllen. U.S. offices abroad remain open and are restricted from operating, the Embassy and the Consulate in Berlin. Visa applications are processed. Purely representative tasks, including receptions, are not permitted. In previous “Shutdowns” it was customary that the Congress approved, in retrospect, the continued payment of their salaries. Families who earn little, run the risk of their savings used up, the longer the Shutdown lasts. Trump is stronger than the Democrats, under pressure, to contribute to the end of the Government shutdown. A majority of the citizens, gives him the blame for the Blockade. The President reiterated, however, also on Thursday and Friday that he will not give in.

For days, Trump emphasized that he could. the national state of emergency

to declare The White house spread two suggestions on how to Trump the wall, bypassing Congress and the budget law could build For days, the President stressed that he could declare a national state of emergency. In state of exception he would have made it special. Among other things, he could instruct the military to build the wall. It has an “engineer-corps”, which is, among other things, for the dyke systems and other infrastructure. Vice-President Mike Pence reiterated Thursday that Trump, declare a state of emergency.

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U.S. President an emergency option for the construction of the wall threatens again Draws Trump?

The “New York Times” and the “Wall Street Journal” reported that, in parallel, trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner have spoken out against this variant. Public opinion could understand such action as a flagrant abuse of the emergency rules. An Alternative is the recourse to funds that have approved the Convention for other purposes, specifically: of the appropriation for the disaster relief after the devastation in Puerto Rico, Florida, and Texas by hurricanes, as well as in California, forest fires and mudslides. This Budget also contained a Budget for public infrastructure measures to these natural disasters. 13.9 billion dollars were not spent yet.