A push by the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU), to be able to in the future, by regulation, Fund benefits will decide its coalition partner, the SPD opposition. The Deputy Chairman of the SPD group in the Bundestag, Karl Lauterbach, said Friday in Berlin that the policy should not “be determined according to Gusto”, which will be paid by health insurance and what is not.

This would undermine the population’s trust in the medical Benefits Fund benefits, argued Lauterbach. It should not be less scientific testing of treatment procedures, but more. The SPD-health expert turned against a request of the Minister of health to “date of service – and supply law” (TSVG), on the first of the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” (Friday) reported. The law is currently being discussed in the Bundestag.

Spahn wants to achieve with the application, specifically, that the health insurance funds women who suffer from a pathological distribution of fat disorder, to pay for the liposuction of buttocks and thighs. He is impatient, because the Federal Joint Committee of Doctors and Shi funds (GBA) for years. However, the application includes that in the future the Federal Ministry of health, in principle, would allow to make through regulations on the GBA over its own decisions on Fund benefits. This would be equivalent to a System failure, because of cash benefits the self-government decides in health care.

The health policy spokeswoman of the SPD parliamentary group, Sabine Dittmar said, you know, the Situation of the women concerned, and I understand the Anger about the long decision-making processes in self-management. It is the “completely wrong way”, to want to by the Minister leave to respond. Parallel structures in the government apparatus could not be seriously wanted, explained Dittmar.

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Unfazed by the criticism from the SPD, the Ministry announced in a statement that in the autumn of this year, the liposuction Fund will be performance. Spahn had told the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”, under the sick fat distribution disorder suffered by up to three million women: “we want to help quickly and unbureaucratically.” He relied on a case law of the German Federal social court, not the legislature, in individual cases, authorized rules, which are consistent with the decisions of the GBA. (epd)