– All allianspartier ran for the election last year to the employment service would be shut down in its current form and be replaced by private actors and, to a lesser governmental authority. Their demands have been that the matching and communication of job rather than to get managed by private operators. The requirements of a privatisation has been asked with reference to that authority in the day just to convey around 15 per cent of all jobs in Sweden (since the majority today will find jobs on their own or through various recruitment and employment agencies).

” Together demanded the ruling coalition parties had agreed a long time a government report on the Employment future. S/MP-government was first received, but added, finally, in the summer of 2016 an investigator, who shall submit their proposals within a few weeks. In supplementary to this investigation, opened in the summer of 2017 for more private actors as a future way to go.

– The new shrunken state authority, the Centre party and the Liberals demanded, and that even the investigator is expected to propose, would, however, continue to have a very significant responsibility for those job-seekers who need help to assess their needs, to keep in the salary support as new start jobs and introduktionsjobb, responsible for labour market programmes and in general support those that are far from the labour market. At present, these are more svårplacerade groups throughout the three quarters of the job seekers enrolled.

– first, so the changes will take time. And not even when they carried out perhaps the job seekers to notice much of a difference. According to the Alliance’s plan, which now seems to have had an impact in regeringsöverenskommelsen they will more svårplacerade groups of the unemployed to continue to be, the shrunken, new state employment responsibilities. Other job-seekers in Sweden already in the day in a very high degree, their new jobs on their own through private matchningsaktörer.

– in Addition, already today 60 percent of the agents whose services the employment services tender for the support and matching of job-seekers private enterprises. A difference, however, may be whether the Party can get a hearing for their demands that even temporary workers to perform services for the agency.

– The state authority would in addition like in the day to manage the procurement and evaluation of the private matchningsaktörerna.

– A model of the Alliance has been Australia’s system. The centre party has called for a ”jobbpeng” after model from Australia, who follow the job seeker to the desired employment, like skolpengen the students of the school.

Regardless of the election result, Sweden will have a government employment office

to the Employment director-general Mikael Sjöberg: M/KD-the budget affect the job-seekers

As proposed, the public employment service be made on the