“After tbc-alarm: six people are infected”

“In the middle of december alerted the Region of Norrbotten where the tb infection, after a person has fallen ill.”

“Now has 600 people tested, and six people are infected, says the Elgin courier.”

“the Person fell ill, suffered an extremely contagious form of tb in the summer, but what kind of disease it was became known only in december. Since then, there have been intensive efforts to track potential carriers.”

“Samples of 600 of the total 800 people who have been in contact with the person has now been taken, of these, half child. “

” It is too early to go out and flag results, but there are six patients who are going ahead with. But it is really quite expected, ” says Anders Nystedt, physicians at the Region of Norrbotten .”

“Those who tested positive is a carrier of something which cold latent tb and are now receiving treatment. None of these have become ill. And there is no reason for concern, says Anders Nystedt.”

“– You must be sick, you have to be quite thoroughly sick to be contagious. You have to have a cough and a fever, he says to Norrbotten’s courier. “