“They do their best to blacken my name”

“Pär Holmgren: Absurd to say that I would be opposed to democracy.”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. It is scary that we write the 2019 and there is still no that point that we would succeed in keeping global warming below two degrees. The consequences of 2-3 degree warming, or more, cannot be overlooked.” “

“No do not know what comes first; famines, pandemics, flyktingkatastrofer, wars, energy crises or financial crises. “

“My klimatintresse was raised already in the late 1980s, when I was a graduate student in meteorology. When I became a parent a few years later, my commitment and I began to lecture and debate these issues that are crucial for life on our planet. I have since then, almost every day, pondering over what society needs to do and frustrerats over the policy’s inability and lack of courage. “

“Long have I wanted to do more and now I have gained the trust of the Green party’s nomination as candidate to the EU parliament. I am proud and honored to receive this and look forward to the process that the party will now have to determine the list in February. “

“I am standing on a firm democratic basis, and conviction. “

“Since the day in december when the nomination committee presented its proposal a few commentators have done their best to spoil my name by claiming that I would be opposed to democracy, claims that are now spread ahead of the politicians in the national media. I would therefore like to once and for all respond to these absurd claims. I stand on a firm democratic basis, and conviction. “

“Democracy is the only way to solve climate change and other sustainability challenges; in addition to the organic also of the social and the economic. We must at all times stand up for, strengthen, and defend democracy. “

“in Societies without democracy and free elections are a nightmare. Regimes that can’t be dismissed can ignore both the human rights climate. It can never be the solution to the climate crisis or laying the foundation for building prosperous communities. “

“Democracy is simply a necessity in order to create sustainable development. “

“unlike the conservative forces that seem to be much more afraid of change and modernisation than for climate change and its consequences for our civilization, so will we in the green movement to continue the fight that we as a policy direction should take the responsibility to meet the challenge of climate change with decisive action. “

“The next mandate will be decisive, and Europe has a key role in the world. Now, we need more politicians who have the courage to take long-term and necessary decisions based on science. “

“I want to contribute with my knowledge for a policy and a community development as much as possible reduces the risks of injustice, famine, pandemics, flyktingkatastrofer and other today leading to immense consequences for human life and security.”

“It is precisely because I believe in democracy and in the policy tools that I am now looking for trust as an mep”

“IN the EUROPEAN parliament is pushing the green Party on the reduction of emissions and more renewable energy, a european aviation tax, better train connections, a common climate change act and increased spending on climate adaptation, not least through the conservation of biodiversity. I want to help in the work.”

“It is precisely because I believe in democracy and in the policy tools that I am now looking for trust as an mep for the green Party. I want to strengthen democracy! Future generations should also have human rights. “

“nPär Holmgren, candidate to the EU parliament (MP)”

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