The “Nashville”-Declaration of homosexuality described as a sin. The Manifesto has now been signed in the Netherlands of 300 clergy and politicians and leads to dispute.

By Ludger Kazmierczak, ARD-Studio, The Hague,

About the city halls of large cities in the Netherlands, the rainbow flag fluttering. And also many small municipalities and churches in the country have raised the colorful Flag of the Gay and lesbian movement. As the coastal municipality of Oldambt in the province of Groningen. A pity that such a sign of solidarity are necessary, writes the associated the community, Laura Broekhuizen. “I find it very sad that people have to show how tolerant they are. It makes me speechless. That may not actually be.”

Archconservative sign “Nashville”-Declaration

The rainbow Flag is a Statement against the so-called Nashville Declaration. Already 2017 in the United States published Pamphlet, which opposes same-sex marriage and homosexuality as a sin.

The Text has now been translated into Dutch, and nearly 300 clergy and politicians signed also by Cees Lock, the party Chairman of the orthodox-Calvin SGP-tier in the South-Dutch Hardinxveld. “I think it is very important that this Declaration emphasizes that marriage is for a man and a woman. And that a same-sex marriage in the Bible is not intended to be.”

The Bible is the SGP in Hardinxveld, the second strongest political force. Also, the state Chairman of the ultra-conservative party has signed the Nashville-statement. Already in the first article of the document States: “We deny that God has designed marriage as a homosexual, polygamous, or polyamouröse relationship.”

A family, and the world, sharing a devout Protestant from Hardinxveld. She said that God had created the people – a man and a woman and not two men or two women. And the people one must love to embrace, but “it is not the sin that you do.”

The rainbow flag as a Statement for the Gay movement,

lesbians “Only the opinion of a minority”

René de Reuver, President of the Protestant churches in the Netherlands, welcomes the Nashville Declaration of nothing. He stressed that the Text would be merely the opinion of a minority in the country. De Reuver distancing itself from the paper, which referred to the daily newspaper “TROUW” as “Anti-gay Manifesto”. “Every human being is a creature of God, no matter how he is of such a nature,” he says.

In the Church, everyone was welcome to God. And, of course, would have thought within the Church on homosexuality, but that does not mean that one is welcome. Therefore, one should create a climate in which one could openly talk about it And this explanation helped nothing.

“Declaration of love” for respect and tolerance

As a reaction to the Nashville Text of the Humanist Association has made a ten-point “Declaration of love” to the network, which calls for respect and tolerance. More than 40,000 low-countries, including many celebrities, have shared the humanist message.

Meanwhile, investigated by the Dutch public Prosecutor’s office, whether the Nashville-Declaration text contains passages that are punishable by law. The debate will continue – ironically, in the Netherlands, which have approved nearly 20 years ago as the first country in the world, the same-sex marriage.

“It’s a sin” Nashville Declaration splits the Dutch Protestants
Ludger Kazmierczak, ARD Den Haag
10.01.2019 10:48 PM

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