Dumping prices, increasing Acquisitions of European high-tech companies, government interventions, China is also using controversial methods more and more to an economic superpower. The German industry beats the Alarm, and calls for a harder line against Beijing. The market economy must be made more “resilient”, – stated in a policy paper of the Federal Association of German industry (BDI), which is present the German press Agency. “Between our model of a liberal, open and social market economy, and China’s state-dominated economy to a system of competition.”

The paper says in the core: The European and German industry with the model of a liberal and social market economy is still in a strong Position on the world market. But China is getting stronger and the European Union have to be careful not to lose sight of the important future technologies such as Artificial intelligence the connection. Therefore, the EU needs to re-sharpening your instruments and China oppose.

China is not developing, contrary to earlier expectations in sight to a market economy and liberalism, BDI-President Dieter Kempf. The country is distorted due to government intervention in markets and prices. The result of worldwide Overcapacity, such as in steel. In the future, you can expect to also, for example, in robotics or battery cells.

The BDI presents a total of 54 claims so that Europe and Germany can become more competitive against the Chinese state capitalism. Specifically, the Association proposes to raise EU state aid law and the Anti-subsidy instruments. Europe must effectively against commercial practices that are not in the EU produce and state subsidies.

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to order, Although foreign investments were also from China, in principle, welcome. There should be a new type of subsidy control is introduced, the state-funded Acquisitions of European technology companies to examine and, if necessary, to prevent. In public procurement, high standards of quality should be a Must, Dumping prices of foreign suppliers should be able to be lit on subsidies.

Also, the EU merger control should you adjust. While in China, through the intervention of government in the global scale of large corporations to be forged, to take into account the EU competition authorities as a relevant market in the case of European mergers solely to the local internal market. “Here should be countered by market-driven European Champions Form be approved.”

“research spending

should be doubled”, The EU Commission is currently examining the merger of the Zugsparten of Siemens and Alstom Background, the competition of the world’s largest rail group, CRRC from China. According to media reports, the Fusion stands but because of concerns of the EU competition enforcement on the Dump.

“The system of competition with China forces us to be strategic and to think long-term”, – stated in the BDI-paper. The German industry wanted to continue to use the opportunities of economic exchanges with China, stressed Kempf. Direct market interventions should remain in Europe the exception.

However, no one is allowed to the challenges that China, the EU and Germany, hide: “Without investing in our infrastructure, improve our education systems and to promote research and development in industries of the future, we have little chance to compete with a China that does exactly these things.” The EU will also need to increase the Budget: “The spending on research should be increased to 160 billion Euro over the next 7-year period and compared to the current level doubled.”

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The BDI also demands that the Chinese market for foreign investors, more should open up. “While Chinese companies enjoy a relatively free access to the EU internal market, this does not apply Vice versa to the same extent for foreign companies in China,” says the paper. The faster China can do with economic reforms and market opening, equality of Competition between Chinese and EU companies on the world market, the less new instruments of control would have to be used.

China is the main trading partner for Germany outside the EU. The middle Kingdom has been trying for years to take on the one hand, via increasing company purchases foreign advanced technology and to win on the other hand, on investing in European infrastructure and political influence. The main vehicle for this is advertised as the “new silk road” from Beijing’s “Belt and Road”Initiative. Up to 2049, for 100. Birthday of the people’s Republic, wants to be China’s technological world.

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Heike Jahberg

The Federal government had recently increased, particularly with regard to China to protect against espionage and intellectual property, the hurdles for foreign investors. The Cabinet is lowered for sensitive areas the threshold at which a share acquisition can check. (dpa)