Pay to drive into the city or be monitored.

Both parts have long been a hot political potatoes in Denmark, but nonetheless, it is the two options, the politicians in Norway at the moment weigh for and against. Here you have already a large network of betalingsringe on a number of cities, but it is a solution that is becoming more and more unpopular.

It has got lots more to suggest to replace the rings with a toll. And now the Norwegian data protection agency as given the green light to a new form of tax, which, by means of satellite-based monitoring of each car, lets drivers pay for the number of kilometers they run.

In the occasion invited the politicians in the Norwegian Parliament for an open hearing on Tuesday, where both experts and stakeholders spoke warmly of the new alternative.

the Danish newspaper Berlingske, who quotes Norwegian Aftenposten.

Norway uses betalingsringene to reduce pollution in the cities and pay for infrastructure projects. At the same time, they are used as an incentive to switch to an electric car, as this car type will receive great discounts by passage through betalingsanlæggene.

however, It is also one of the reasons that the solution has become so unpopular. In the critics ‘ eyes it is a discriminatory tax, and according to Berlingske is angry norwegians started to group themselves in protest movements on social media. Only the group ‘Nei to the mer bompenger’ has at the time of writing button 54,000 members.

along with the new Danish stærekasser is betalingsanlæggene also been subjected to vandalism and even arson.

Among the opponents get the new solution a lukewarm reception. In the Facebook group ‘Bomfritt Norway’ writes that ‘it will be the same, as we already have’.

– It is an unfair and discriminatory fee just like today. We must not let ourselves be fooled by these sneaky suggestions, we are no longer sitting quietly and accept. Now pushing back, and it must be felt in the course of the spring. Enough IS ENOUGH, writes the group in an announcement.

According to the Berlingske tidende, it is yet unclear whether the satellite-based toll can completely replace the betalingsringene. But if you ask the director of the Norwegian data protection agency, Bjørn Erik Thon, the new technology great opportunities.

Norway has the prerequisites for taking an international leadership role, he says to Aftenposten.

the Danish data protection agency considers that it is possible to make the satellite monitoring of the Norwegian drivers in a way so that you can collect accurate data on the vehicle, driving and mileage, without compromising personal data breach.

– Yes, we believe that the challenge between toll and privacy can be resolved. There are already launched interesting technical solutions to a new vejafgiftsystem, which takes care of the challenges related to the protection of privacy, says Bjørn Erik Thon according to the daily Newspaper to Aftenposten.