“”Blondinbella” Isabella Löwengrip”

“Blondinbella breaks with the bodyguard: ”He is not an employee anymore””

“Escaped to Sweden together – now interrupts bloggerskan cooperation”

“They fled to Sweden together during the tough time.”

“Now, breaking Isabella ”Blondinbella” Löwengrip cooperation with his bodyguard Magnus Andersson.”

“– It is true that we, in consultation with the Magnus has taken the decision to not have him employed longer, she writes in a text message to Nöjesbladet. “

“It stormed heavily around the the blogger and the entrepreneur Isabella ”Blondinbella” Löwengrip during december.”

“According to Löwengrip yourself so she has had unwanted visits at home in his newly-bought luxury villa on the island of Lidingö. The reason, according to her, to have been a person in her neighborhood have lost vast borrowed sums in equity.”

“When this came to Isabella Löwengrips aware she broke her whole acquaintance, and left the country temporarily. “

“In the meantime, has instead a completely different man existed at her side – the bodyguard Magnus Andersson, who also went abroad.”

“for several years he has worked for Löwengrip via an external security companies and in the end of last year, she announced on her blog that the mission changed in nature. “

“”Magnus has also become a part of the company from next year. Because the security situations occurs on a regular basis (stalkern appeared in my food shop on Friday on Lidingö island, when I would fredagshandla with the kids, I had to call 112 and the police had to come). So we have decided that it will be good with employment. Boring but good.””

“But less than a month later, is interrupted now the position, which, Expressen was the first to report on. “

” We came too close to each other personality-wise and it was she who terminated the cooperation, said the bodyguard to the newspaper.”

“In a text message to Nöjesbladet confirms Isabella Löwengrip to Magnus Andersson’s employment has ended. “

“”It is true that we, in consultation with Magnus made the decision to not have him employed longer. Löwengrip Invest has selected a different security solution for all the companies in the group, then we need to think beyond personal safety and more strategisktu002Fförebyggande”. “

“She declines, then further questions. Nöjesbladet have also searched for Magnus Andersson. “