The terrordømte and just released earlier Danish citizen Said Mansour in Morocco have been charged and imprisoned for aiding terrorism.

This confirms the moroccan ambassador in Denmark, Khadija Rouissi, for TV2.

Mansour, is according to TV2 suspected of involvement in the terrorist attacks in the moroccan city of Casablanca in 2003. The attacks killed 41 people and injured more than a hundred.

OVERVIEW: Said Mansour and his criminal career

English-marokkaneren Said Mansour is known as the ‘Bookseller from Brønshøj’, and is used to the attention from the police and the secret service.

* He is born in 1960 in Morocco and came to Denmark in 1983, where he was joined by family members with his sister.

* the Year following he was married with a Danish woman whom he had four children with. She converted later to islam, but the marriage was not to last. Mansour received Danish citizenship in 1988.

Here follows an overview of his criminal career:

* 1995: Mansour is suspected of planning terrorism against the UN summit in Copenhagen. He gets arrested, but all charges are dropped.

* 2004: Mansour sentenced to three months ‘ unconditional imprisonment for possession of firearms and receiving stolen goods. PET search Mansours home and confiscate a larger batch of videos, speeches and songs, that calls for holy war.

* 2005: Police search again Mansours home and confiscate more material with the talk of al-Qaeda leaders Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and Abu Qutada. Police find over 3000 cds, of which one third is with the extremist islamist content. Mansour arrested, be charged and remanded in custody for calling for terror.

* 2007: Mansour sentenced to three years and six months in prison by the Copenhagen city Court. While he sits in prison waiting for the judgment, he has by telephone and written contact to the four terrortiltalte in the Glostrup-case.

* 2009: Mansour released.

* 2014: Mansour sentenced in the Court of Frederiksberg four years in prison for incitement to terrorism and holy war. The court allows Mansour to keep Danish citizenship

* 2015: The high Court upholds the verdict, what guilt and punishment are concerned. But the high court is tightening the screw and take the citizenship from Mansour and show him out of the country for ever. Mansour gets the permission to bring the question of citizenship and the deportation of the Supreme court.

* 2016: the Supreme court upholds landsretsdommen. Mansour is no longer a Danish citizen, and he must be expelled from Denmark for good.

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Said the Mansours Danish defender, Eigil Beach, says to TV2 that he had no idea about terrormistanken in Morocco.

– This is new for me, that he is charged with, says the lawyer.

the Expulsion of Said Mansour was carried out on Friday.