Danish telecom companies to use in these months both the time and money to test the 5G and making the technology ready for their mobile networks.

But a poll, which Ekstra Bladet has made to the four nationwide operators, also reveals that there is going to be several years before ordinary consumers really going to notice the 5G in their everyday lives.

– We would really like to offer the 5G, but we see the greatest potential in the business market, says Henrik Kofod, who is the technology director at Telia.

112 – 8. jan. 2019 – at. 14:43 the Police go to war against netsvindlere: How will they help you

the Answer is the same with Telenor, which among other things operates a large test facility in Norway and this year will make larger 5G-tests both the east and west of the great belt.

– But you have to remember that many of the things that 5G can, we can, in fact, already solve with the plan we have with 4G, says Peter Ditlev Nødbak, director business development at Telenor.

– The interesting thing with technology is, therefore, the special tasks, where there is a need for a quick and robust network that can transmit very much data.

– The new is also, that we are going to see 5G very decentralised, which in some localities occurs quite specific needs and opportunities for the creation of a 5G network.

Snyder with the 5G

The u.s. telecommunications company AT&T has landed himself in a storm of criticism, after the company recently updated several phones, so they suddenly showed a 5G-sign on the phone.

of course, It is purely bogus, since neither AT&T or the phones have 5G.

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5G get very much publicity in these months, but is in fact an important addition to a brand-new cellular network, as all the danes get pleasure from. Photo: Yves Herman/Ritzau Scanpix

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– this year it will probably be mostly tests of 5G, you will get to see in practice, is the answer from Lasse Pilgaard, strategidirektør in the TDC Group. By the telephone company 3 tests, but also an expansion of the company’s infrastructure among the most important tasks.

– We hope to have tested something on the right 5G-ties in the year. But we do not have a date for when the spectrum will be released. It can happen in 2020, but we know it’s not actually, says Kim Christensen, who is netværksdirektør in the phone company 3.

– We are missing some info from the authorities. And we could be a little worried about how far we have to move forward, before something happens with the auction of the frequencies.

While 5G is a long way from ending up in the hands of ordinary consumers, the 4G strengthened and enhanced. And to make space for 4G, it is expected the 3G to be phased out the coming years.

– the Sound is better, and the speeds are obviously faster on 4G.

– So we would like to release the 3G capacity to 4G as fast as you can do it, ” says Henrik Kofod from Telia, which, like the other telecommunications companies have made many 4G upgrades in 2018.

3 sharp to the TDC: – Lots of prospects in the 5G

– What the status of 5G at TDC and what should be done with the technology in 2019?

– We expect that in 2019 hears the starting point for the rollout of 5G. This year, the first master must be made up, this is the year where the networks and the products must be tested by, and so is probably also in the years that we will have the first 5G-devices, says Lasse Pilgaard, who is strategidirektør in the TDC Group.

– We have continuously tested the 5G, and we continue in the new year. We have a clear ambition to be in the front on 5G, when we see great prospects in the technology, even if the broad breakthrough still lies some years in the future.

– But comes consumers so as to meet the 5G in the year?

– Currently, the situation is that there is 5G-devices on the market, and that we have not seen firm plans as to when they come. And before these devices come to market at consumer-friendly prices, consumers will not have any joy of the 5G equipment that may be installed in the mobilnetværkene.

– So, even if we have already sent the first tweet on the 5G and expect to rollout of the 5G network takes off in 2019, so we do not expect that the broad breakthrough of 5G is coming either this year or next year, but that it is further out in the future.

– What are good examples of the use of 5G, we can look forward to?

– There are lots of prospects in the 5G – and, as I said, will be 2019 in the extent to which a test-year. Therefore, we expect to test some of the new solutions with our customers, including the 5G-based mobile broadband and new internet-of-things solutions.

– the Latter, i.e. the internet of things, is one of the places where 5G will make a big difference. We have for several years tested the technology Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT), and in 2018, the network was nationwide and it will create a whole new wave of IoT-solutions.

When the 5G technology really starts to be rolled out in the course of 2019, and 2020 in Denmark, we will definitely get to see more and more things that are connected to the network – and it will probably be mostly on the NB-IoT.

– The big revolution in technology is power consumption, that will be up to 10 times lower and thus will the battery life 10 times better. This means that our customers can deploy IoT sensors in places where it previously was too costly to change the batteries often.

– There is, in other words, many good reasons why we are already working with 5G, but it is also important to stress that the prospects in particular, is some years in the future.

– Both because the network has to be built, but also because the technology needs to mature, and the solutions need to be developed. So this year it will probably be mostly tests of 5G, you will get to see in practice.

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