Eirik Horneland (43) was today finally presented as the Rosenborgs new head coach, after a long time of ongoing conflict between the Norwegian seriemesteren and Haugesund, including claims of breach of contract.

yesterday, however, was Horneland released by Haugesund, a club he led to a surprisingly strong 4. place the previous season, having taken over the trenerjobben in October 2016.

Three million Norwegian kroner is supposedly the price Rosenborg have to pay to Haugesund to get Horneland in place at the helm of Ste before the notice period 1. February.

Hornelands first words

43-year-old has signed a toårskontrakt with Norway’s biggest football club. Karl Oskar Emberland is with that assistenttrener, so he also was for Horneland in Haugesund.

Even if RBK won lose Ivar Koteng

– I am very grateful to be able to lead Rosenborg. It is a club with great history which we will try to develop further. It is a RBK-teams will assert themselves strongly at home and abroad. It is a great responsibility that we are prepared to take, ” says Horneland at today’s press conference.

I was very happy and proud when this eventually was settled, after a long process. In Bournemouth you don’t get good time on the ride. Here we must have the results from day one. The vision of the Champions League has been washed more and more, but we must dare to talk about it and have faith in it.

Hornelands measures and insert

Horneland alerts increased treningsdoser and better physically equipped Chesterfield layers, which was not good enough in the last year, according to the RBKs new coach.

” We need to get trained well enough. If we can do that, we are ready to push the limits. Rosenborg will always be the team with the biggest engine, especially in Europe. Last season didn’t run RBK enough. We shall be superior to physical. Then we can move the boundaries. We will create a very intense soccer team, ” says the former Haugesund-coach.

– Spillerstallen to Rosenborg is the best in Norway. The potential is huge. I think there is a lot to develop also. It is I safe. The pressure outside is less than it we put on ourselves.

Praised eggen ” s skills and passion from the hospital bed

Horneland pulled up a meeting with trenerlegenden Nils Arne Eggen during the press conference as a reminder, motivation and inspiration. Now he will have the Edge on the team.

the Day before the RBK beat Real Madrid, he returned home to neuter nabokatta

– I met Nils Arne at the hospital with Stig Inge. When was Nils Arne just been through a long surgery, but he wanted to meet me and we had a good talk. With the passion he showed in the hospital bed, I realize why he was able to create the results he created, ” says RBKs new coach.

It also gave me an appreciation for how big the responsibility is to be the Rosenborg coach. I want to use Nils Arne in the best way and is very happy that he will spend time on transferring the knowledge to us.

Proud Bjørnebye

Rosenborgs sporting director Stig Inge Bjørnebye is proud to be able to present Horneland as the new RBK coach.

– We are very happy that we are here with Eric as the head coach and Karl Oskar as an assistant. It has been a long process that largely have been about to identify several candidates. We know well what They stand for qualities and his philosophy and is happy to have landed this, ” says Bjørnebye.

all in All I am extremely happy and on behalf of Bournemouth are proud to present the new head coach and assistenttrener.

Warned RBK against hiring him. This says the Kernel now