week long-sought after EU States were ready, the migrants of the Sea-Watch. This is not ashamed of the EU Commission. It is proposed now is a distribution mechanism to reach agreement in the asylum dispute.

The EU Commission and Germany have called for after the tug-of-war to the reception of refugees on Malta, a distribution mechanism. The week-long search by the recycle of the EU States was “not our finest hour in Europe,” said EU Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos in Brussels. The EU could not continue to “unorganized Ad-hoc solutions”. What is needed is a “predictable and sustainable mechanism” for the refugee distribution and its consumption.

Roth: “indictment of Europe”

Similarly, the German Minister of state for Europe Michael Roth (SPD), commented: “The week-long uncertainty” for the Refugees embarrass him, and poverty was a “certificate for Europe,” wrote Roth in the short message service Twitter. The EU is in need of “finally, an Ad-hoc distribution mechanism, where as many as possible EU member States”. Germany was ready for it.

Maltese government had allowed, at noon, two German auxiliary ships, with a total of 49 refugees, in their harbors. The people were just before and just after Christmas, been in distress at sea rescued.

the dispute on asylum reform

The EU argues for years about a asylum reform, because Eastern European governments to reject a redistribution of refugees in all member States. A temporary distribution mechanism could serve as a “bridge” until a more permanent agreement on the Reform of the Dublin-successful rules, said Avramopoulos.

According to the Dublin rules of that EU country for an asylum seeker to be responsible, in the first EU soil. The community of States could not agree on a binding ratio to the distribution of refugees to all countries.

Avramopoulos wants to discuss the events of the past few days at the next Meeting of EU interior Ministers. He expressed optimism that this would lead to a “very positive” result.

Italy, with the EU in the refugee policy under pressure, 24.08.2018 Atlas |Belgium |Brussels

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