When Einar Håndlykken went from the environmental movement to become the daily leader in Sportsbook football club in 2013, he decided that he was going to do the Ski-club of Norway’s most environmentally-friendly football club.

– I quickly found out that this was very easy. I think we spent a quarter of an hour, so it was done, admits the club manager in Dagbladet “Klimapodden. Twelve environmental solutions”.

Listen to the entire episode here:

Can supply 30 single-family homes

With the help from the partners got the club including installed charging point for electric vehicles, recycling of waste, and district heating. Then came the somewhat ambitious idea: Solar cells on the roof of the stadium Skagerak Arena.

– the Entire roof to produce enough electricity to supply 30 homes with electricity for a whole year, says Stian Reite in ABB.

It was he, who in conversation with Håndlykken, found out that the roof at the Skagerak Arena suitable perfect for solenergiproduksjon.

See how in the video at the top of the case.

Norway’s biggest battery

ABB, which supplies solutions for power distribution, is one of the fotballklubbens partners. It is they, together with the power company Skagerak Energi, which has completed the project.

did not think that a half degree meant so much,

Around 2 700 solar panels were installed at the beginning of november, and in the spring will be the largest battery stand clear on the car park outside the Skagerak Arena.

– Overskuddsstrømmen from the production will recharge the battery during the day, and then you can use this power in the evening and the night, explains to Reitan.

But it is not just to help the club they sponsor that companies have made as they have done.

– ABB see that this type of solutions is very central to what happens in the power industry in the future. We do this to further develop our solutions, and when we do it together with Odd, we get more attention for it, ” says Reitan.

More lucrative for the business world

the club manager Håndlykken don’t want that Odd-fans to fear that the solprosjektet goes out over the money to the locker room. Therefore, it has been essential that partners ABB and Skagerak Energi, together with Enova, has taken regninga at around 30 million.

Klimakrisa may cause a new financial crisis

In football we sell experiences to your audience, and then we sell reputation to the business community. The reputation we are very concerned, and it is, first and foremost, it is the shop for Odd’s part. The project itself is not a great store in itself, reveals Håndlykken.

– What we are left with is that we contribute to the important technological development in the education service, and we get a better reputation. The business community sees that it is to work with a green club is better than to cooperate with any other club, ” he says.

Now that the solar array is in the box, the vertical cultivation of vegetables the next project for “the most eco-friendly football club”.

Listen to all the episodes from the “Klimapodden: Twelve environmental solutions” in all podkastapper, as Acast, iTunes, and Spotify.

Tastes like beef. But this is not the meat