the US secretary of state Mike Pompeo promised before the night’s televised speech to Trump would supply plenty of news.

” I saw an early version of the century. He will create a lot of news, ” said Pompeo to the news media during the evening.

Trump no news at all. Instead he devoted more than ten minutes to repeat the arguments for gränsmuren which he now expressed in almost four years. Trump has in the past week threatened to declare a national emergency condition in order to obtain powers to build the great wall, but no such promise came not in the night of the speech. Trump was instead clinging to familiar anecdotes about the flooding of criminals, terrorists and drugs across the U.S. southern border with Mexico, which he claimed that a boundary wall would immediately put a stop to. He accused democrats of endangering the american population’s security by refusing to fund the gränsmuren. After having listed a series of violent crimes where the perpetrator was alleged to be a paperless immigrants said Trump:

” How much more blood have to be shed before the congress do its job?

most of Trump’s claims about immigrants and crime was incorrect. Statistics show that undocumented immigrants and even legal immigrants in the united states commit significantly fewer crimes than american citizens. Trump has also claimed to 4,000 suspected terrorists have been stopped at the Mexican border, but it is also not true, according to the american authorities.

Donald Trump during his speech as the television broadcast from the oval room in the White house. Photo: Carlos Barria/AFP

The most remarkable thing about the century was the fact that all the american tv channels sent it at all. It was free time for the Trumps arguments, but he delivered some concrete news that was acute concern to the american people.

newsworthy in the century, so was it possibly Trumps demands to the viewers and followers to call their congressmen and ask them to support the gränsmuren. Trump knows that a clear majority of the american people are against a boundary wall, which makes it difficult for congress to support the he

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a young democrat in congress, called Trump’s speech “antiamerikanskt” and criticized him for violating human rights.

the Democrats ‘ two leaders in congress, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, held an official reply to the Trump where they also repeated its previous argument that the refuse fund gränsmuren.

of just a single reason. The U.S. president has failed to get Mexico to pay for his inefficient, unnecessary boundary wall. He fails to convince congress or the american people to pay for the great wall, so instead he has now closed down federal agencies, ” said Chuck Schumer.

Also among the Trumps nearest staff, there are many who question how wise it is to spend so much political capital on the gränsmuren. On Tuesday, Lisa Murkowski is the first republican senator who clearly said that it is unnecessary to keep the federal government closed because of gränsmuren.

“We should be able to walk and chew gum at the same time,” said Murkowski, in a familiar american expression, to do two things at once. She now wants to the federal authorities, where the 800,000 government workers go without jobs, will open again and that the debate on border security can continue ago.

Also three other republicans in the senate, Susan Collins, Cory Gardner and Shelley Moore Capito, have indicated that they want to open the authorities again, even if there are no new resources for gränsmuren. If Trump’s controversial förhandlingsmetoder get a half-dozen republicans in the senate to begin to question their loyalty to him, he can get a tough 2019.

Read more: Trump demanded the boundary wall in the nationally televised speech