US President Donald Trump has given the Democrats the blame for the almost three weeks of continuous government to a standstill. On the border with Mexico, there is a security crisis, drugs and many illegal immigrants came to the United States.

This is the Republican said Tuesday night in a speech to the Nation. His government had to respond. The Democrats refused to consent, for a border wall $ 5.7 billion. The partial government shutdown is only due to the fact that the Democrats are “border security do not want to Finance”.

The wall is one of the most important election campaign promise of Trump. Due to the unresolved budget dispute, the money for a number of authorities is missing.

(Video: Youtube/CNN)

The democratic Chairman of the house of representatives, Nancy Pelosi, and her party colleague, Senator Chuck Schumer, accused Trump to fabricate a crisis situation. Much of what you’ve heard from Trump during the Government shutdown, was filled with false information, and even malice, said Pelosi. Both called on Trump in her televised speech, to stop the government to a standstill.

termination of human suffering

“At our southern border, there is a growing humanitarian and security crisis,” the President said. “This is a humanitarian crisis, a crisis of the heart and a crisis of the soul.” He added: “This is the cycle of human suffering, I am determined to finish it.” Trump pointed out how dangerous the March for migrants, which went from Latin America to the United States. He also referred to several cases where illegal immigrant people, U.S. citizens have been killed and posed the question: “How much blood must we shed before the Congress is doing its job?”

Trump announced in the televised speech, a “National emergency”, as it had some of the suspects. He himself had said in recent days that he was considering such a measure. You would give him far-reaching powers. Trump could try to leave the wall without the consent of the Congress building. A state of emergency, as in other countries, in the laws or fundamental rights, except, wouldn’t that mean. (chk/sda)

Created: 09.01.2019, 03:33 PM