Zalando to submit in Switzerland. The online retailer made in 2018 in Switzerland, already 800 million Swiss francs in revenue, and almost one-tenth of the total sales in the clothing and Footwear retailing in Switzerland. The of the latest Retail Outlook Credit Suisse shows.

However, the trader is fighting at the same time with lower margins. This is the CS-according to Economists, the Free-returns policy of the company . Shipping and returns at Zalando, for the free. In Italy the dealer has now decided to charge for all orders under 25 Euro shipping costs.

Sascha Jucker, have to pay Swiss customer as soon fees, if you order at Zalando, or send it back?
It will show whether Zalando is introducing this measure in other countries. Is not excluded from this.

Why make a Free to create returns Zalando all of a sudden?
This is the changed behaviour of consumers. The value of the baskets is dropped, i.e. customers buy in for lower amounts. This is due to the weather: In the past year due to the high temperatures of the summer were bought as a autumn clothes. These tend to be cheaper. On the other, more and more people are shopping via mobile phone, or Tablet. Through these channels, more goods will be bought with a lesser value of the order. That, coupled with the Free-returns policy and high returns-ratio, leads to lower margins. In proportion to the costs, the profitability decreases.

Zalando has attracted many customers with Free shipping and returns. Can get out the company from this model at all, to scare away without the customer?
They get the customers for sure. The question is, what effect weighs more: the power of the market, Zalando now in the clothing segment, or the reluctance of customers to fee-based returns. Zalando not all customers, but only those that order a little punished in Italy. Possible extension of this model would be that, so shipping and return could only be for certain customer segments for free. Thus, the company could save costs.

Are decreasing margins, a Zalando’s the Problem? Most of the Swiss dealer demand, at least for small order quantities a fee.
Zalando has used the customer of Free returns, which for many of the other traders to be a Problem. Because Free-returns, dealer only profitable if you can achieve a tremendous growth in online trading. For smaller retailers this is likely to rise.

Zalando holds in the Swiss clothing market has a market share of 10 percent. The stationary part of the fashion trade has a Chance?
The Swiss fashion retailer initially slept through the development of online trading. The market entry of Zalando was already in 2011 – until a few years ago, has not done enough. A Chance for smaller traders could be platforms like Galaxus to join in, put more on fashion. This could be cheaper and a larger clientele, to develop your own platform. The dealer will lose, however, to a certain degree, their independence – for example, with regard to customer data.

Would not Amazon as such a sales platform? Up to now, Amazon is seen mostly as a threat.
. The Swiss dealer would even have an advantage over foreign competition, if you could join Amazon. Because the agreement concluded by Amazon with the Swiss Post, this is not true according to the best of our knowledge, for third-party merchants from abroad. The customs clearance and the associated administrative expenses to remain so. Swiss traders would not have this disadvantage.

do you Expect with Domain? This would simplify delivery and customs clearance in Switzerland.
If Amazon .ch Domain would have wanted, they would have decorated the well-being at the same time with the post-agreement. It is not impossible but it is not. The Swiss market is relatively small, the interest to take on these administrative costs, is expected to be low.

All the talk of Amazon, each of those 7 fears. Swiss SMEs in the face of Chinese competition. Aliexpress & co. will soon overtake Amazon as the biggest danger?
The growth of online trading from China is disproportionate to the growth from the remaining countries. However, these deliveries are limited to Switzerland until today, mostly in small shipments. The Problem is that Chinese suppliers can relatively supply cost-effective in Switzerland. They are subsidized by the universal postal Union, because China can make use of its emerging country status. Aliexpress pays significantly lower shipping costs. While these shipping costs will be adjusted gradually – but that would be over the years and that is why only a drop in the bucket.

Made in the last few years, especially shopping tourism pain the Swiss retailers, the stomach, increases the competitive pressure still further due to the growing international online trading. What is your conclusion for the stationary trade : this a long-term opportunity?
is The stationary trade still accounts for a huge share – almost 90 percent. There will always be a place for it. A fight for survival takes place. But not in all areas equally. In the food trade, I do not assume that online retailers will soon be a disruptive factor. Here is the location of the stationary merchant seems to be in the first place is vital. Other segments, such as the home electronics market are covered by a Swiss online retailer. This is also price competitive and cheaper than the foreign.

Why can Switzerland be in this area cheaper than the foreign?
The dealer has long been online, as a result, price transparency is increasing. The order amounts are expected to be higher than in the fashion, and, moreover, is likely to be achieved per square metre of selling space, a higher amount – this means that traders can work with lower margins. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 08.01.2019, at 19:29