If US national security adviser John Bolton on the indulgence of the Turkish government should have hoped for Back and Forth to the US withdrawal from Syria, was on Tuesday is clear that the hope was in vain. While Bolton campaigned in Ankara for the new American Plan for a slow withdrawal from Syria, joined the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in front of the parliamentary group of his ruling AKP party to the lectern and spoke in a clear text.

Erdogan announced an imminent Turkish invasion in Syria, whether America wanted it or not. Now new tensions between the partners threaten.

The United States had angered Nato ally Turkey several times. First, the government of Donald Trump was balanced by the announcement by the President to deduct about 2000 US soldiers soon from Syria. Trump personally have him announced on the telephone, the rapid withdrawal, and he’ll go out more, Erdogan said on Tuesday.

Due to trump’s announcement had hoped the Turkey on a clear path in the North of Syria, where they were mainly against the Syrian Kurdish militia YPG, in order to proceed. Ankara sees the YPG as a terrorist organisation, but for the US, the Kurds fighters are the most important helpers in the fight against the “Islamic state” (IS).

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conflict of interest order breaks out

This conflict of interest between the traditional partners, now breaks open. Turkey wants to expel the YPG from the Turkish border, the USA protect you.

If Bolton and other US representatives say well, the U.S. soldiers would only be deducted if there are security guarantees from Turkey for the YPG, the Erdogan on the palm. Bolton have committed with his Statements about the YPG is a “serious mistake,” said the Turkish President.

Bolton had come together with the US chief of staff General Joseph Dunford and the us Syria envoy James Jeffrey in Ankara, in order to reassure the Turks. The attempt failed.

More than two hours Bolton was sitting with Erdogan’s spokesman and the most important foreign policy adviser, Ibrahim Kalin, but progress there was not apparently. On The Contrary. After the conversation, Turkey and the United States are further apart than before.

Turkey will make no concessions

In the case of Erdogan’s self-Bolton due to his demand for Turkish guarantees for the YPG already on no green branch. “We will make no concessions,” said the Turkish President.

The military preparations for the invasion into YPG territory in Northern Syria were as good as completed. “Very soon” will start. Turkey will ask the US for permission.

While Erdogan’s announcement is not necessarily to be taken literally; weeks ago he had been threatened with a supposedly imminent invasion of Syria, and nothing happened. But the President’s speech from Tuesday stresses the determination of Turkey to defend its interests in Syria – even if the dispute with the US means.

So Kalin of the Americans demanded that they should let their more than 20 military bases in Syria, a withdrawal of the Turkish army, or destroy, so that the positions be allocated to the YPG. Washington rejects.

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US national security Advisor in Turkey, Erdogan is no guarantee for safety of Syrian Kurds

to have in The early afternoon, Bolton in Ankara in his suitcase, without Erdogan had to pack spoken. Prior to the visit of the Trump Advisor in the Turkish capital, it was welcomed by the American side, Bolton will put together with the Turkish head of state. On Tuesday, Erdogan US gave according, however, to align, unfortunately, he did for Bolton no time.