The australian model and actress Annalise Braakensiek (46), among others known from the såpeserien “Home and Away”, was found dead in his own home in Sydney on Sunday. It writes the newspaper The Guardian.

Braakensiek, who was also known as a tv profile and smykkegründer, shall have been found by local police, who turned out after a bekymringsmelding.

Police have not suspected that there has happened something criminal, according to the newspaper. The cause of death will only be known when the autopsy report is ready.

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Braakensiek started modellkarrieren already at age 16, when she was discovered by a photographer on the famous Bondi Beach, according to Aftonbladet. Later she settled through internationally, with clients such as Guinness, Staff, Lee, Levi’s and Toyota.

46-year-old took after each step of the skuespilleryrket, where she, by the side of the to contribute in the “Home and Away”, was particularly well-known from the tv series “Pizza”. Braakensiek later worked as smykkedesigner and tv presenter. She was regarded as a huge star in Australia.

According to australian News to 46-year-old have struggled with depression over a longer period of time, as a result of having lost several of their nearest and dearest. There she wrote several times candidly about on his Instagram profile.

46-year-old was most recently active in the said social networking site in the christmas in, where she shared pictures from a walk on the beach with her sister.

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