the Case against Eirik Jensen and Gjermund Cappelen is a result of diligent investigation by the Asker and Bærum police district. Police officers from there had for many years, suspicions that Cappelen ran large-scale drug trafficking, without that they managed to take him. After each feared that he got help.

When the police in 2000 came after storsmugleren in the car, called Cappelen to spaningslederen and asked them to cancel the operation.

It was our definite opinion that we were revealed after Gjermund Cappelen had a meeting with Eirik Jensen, told Anders Rasch-Olsen in court Monday.

What does it mean that another politihelt going good for Eric Jensen? Comment

Rasch-Olsen has in the day Eirik Jensen’s old job as commander of Special Operations in Oslo police district. The time he had responsibility for intelligence in Asker and Bærum.

Rasch-Olsen is repeatedly cited in the court of law for his master’s thesis in politivitenskap, a study that showed how informantbehandling in practice took place in the police of the 2000’s. Jensen’s defenders have used it for the coat that he is far from being the only policeman who has broken the rules. Rasch-Olsen confirmed that there has been a lot of different practices, and that Jensen was known as a nestor in the profession.

the Successor appears as a neat and meticulous type and that of a completely different school than Jensen. Rasch-Olsen has been a central figure in what appears as an important and necessary clean-up operations in the police informantbehandling.

Yet this was a small theme in his explanation.

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In the court explained Rasch-Olsen himself first and foremost about his role in the investigation of Gjermund Cappelen. He was grilled about the so-called Isa-calls and why Asker and Bærum police district saw it as his mission to get out the name Eirik Jensen from Gjermund Cappelen, rather than to leave it to the Spesialenheten.

the Fire challenged him on why Asker and Bærum is not a priority Cappelen higher in the past. In 2011, would the district initiate a large-scale investigation against storsmugleren, but had to stop it because of other priorities.

December 2013 started “Operation Silent”. The information about the investigation was limited to a few involved, which all signed a separate non-disclosure. It was an expressed aim that the information would not reach the other officials, especially in the Oslo police. Distrust was obviously great. Then it went much faster than the investigators.

They let a trap. Using information from one or more informants, had the police been mapped cappelen in his networks and routines. In court Monday, the estimated Rasch-Olsen that at least four people have given the police information about Cappelen since the year 2000. They should have talked about the marijuana business and the narcotic powder.

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There has also been information about the protection from a police officer, ” said Rasch-Olsen.

They never took the allegations further to Spesialenheten. In the court of law said overbetjenten that he believes the man had had something more concrete.

Now there was still the fear that this was true so great that the investigators secured. They had through kommunikasjonskontroll noting that Cappelen had a lot of contact with a phone number registered on a utflyttet pakistaner. When Eirik Jensen sat in his car, thought spaneren that he was corrupt.

Regardless of whether the jury is convinced of the same, Cappelen in any case finally behind the locked doors. And management of Special operations has undergone a paradigm shift.

Jensen’s opportunities Comment