the Scammers have until now had the all-too-easy games to trick the danes on the net. It has got the reviews to explode, while it is difficult to get imprisoned and convicted those responsible.

It recognises the national Police, who after several years of attempts on Tuesday inaugurated a new center for combating digital fraud.

– The criminals have gone online and can hide behind the screen, while they steal money from us all along.

And anmeldelsestallene speak their clear language, said the minister of justice, mr Søren Pape Poulsen (C) during the inauguration.

the Idea with the center is, therefore, that all of the reviews in the future are brought together at the new center, instead of to the overview and the cases which now drowns in 12 different police districts.

– Previously the notifications is handled locally. But the cases are too complex to solve it, believe the minister of justice.

– There is a need for action and solutions. It is the center an important part of.

Tech Henrik was cheated of the new trick on Facebook: – Thought I had secured myself

It must be the end for the criminals on the web to get rid as easily as they do today, promise rigspolitichef Jens Henrik Højbjerg. Video: Ritzau TV

And lifted from the rigspolitichef Jens Henrik Højbjerg is also, that the citizens and businesses in the future are going to experience a consistent and far more efficient exploration of the digital scams.

– We have been challenged by the way, we previously investigated and terms of prevented cases. The Danish police are now taking a very important step to crack the curve of cyber crime.

We are sure that in the future we can deliver a better and more consistent investigation. And we get a national overview. It will be possible faster to stop the crime, expect Jens Henrik Højbjerg.

Technology – 20. nov. 2017 – at. 22:02 Cunning trick ravaging Facebook: How to delete the fraudsters in their tracks

the Citizens had Tuesday a promise from the minister of justice, mr Søren Pape Poulsen (t.h.) and rigspolitichef Jens Henrik Højbjerg, to the fight against the criminals on the net are now being tightened significantly. Photo: Jonas Olufson/Ritzau Scanpix

The new centre is called LCIK – National Center for It-related economic Crime – is located at Gammel Køge Landevej in Copenhagen and has 41 police officers, two prosecutors and 26 civilian employees.

allow citizens and businesses get in touch with to report netsvindel on this website. And it has since the centre too early in the beginning of december led to the entire 1451 reviews about the fraud and deception committed on the internet, informs the national Police.

– The criminals are getting much harder to make their crime on the net, predicts the rigspolitichef Jens Henrik Højbjerg, who, however, stresses that a part of the centre’s task is also to prevent.

– This is a resource center for the police, as we are more targeted can use to make campaigns with.

– We also create a videnpanel with researchers and experts, so that we can fight crime on the web better.

Tech Police warning: Fraudsters have moved in on the web

The reviewer danes

How has the first almost 1500 reviews on the centre acted on:

Trade: 47%

Misuse of credit card information: 17 percent

Kreditbedrageri: 8 percent

Kontaktbedrageri to private: 7 percent

the Abuse of access to internet banking m.m.: 4 percent

Kontaktbedrageri against companies: 2 percent

Fuphjemmeside: 0.3%

Ransomware: 0.6 percent

Other: 14 percent

– 93% of the notifications received via the new digital self-service solution.

– 4 percent of the notifications is received in writing, 2 percent is received by telephone, and 1 percent of the notifications are received at the personal request.

Among the reviewers is 88 percent citizens, and 12 percent are companies.

Source: Police