Five years after his Coming-Out of Thomas Hitzlsperger feels the professional sports as much more tolerant – but more action is needed. “There is, I think, now a whole other conversation level, even if we talk about sexual diversity. It is not such a taboo anymore as it was maybe five years ago,” said the former football Profi of the “ARD-Radio-Research-sports”.

In January 2014, the 36-Year-old had discussed in an Interview with the weekly newspaper “die Zeit” his homosexuality and announced: “I would like to bring a public debate to advance the discussion of homosexuality among professional athletes.”

Hitzlsperger: “You have to listen to his own voice”

Hitzlsperger, the play is currently a Bureau member of the VfB Stuttgart, ARD expert in countries and Ambassador for diversity of the German football Association (DFB) is a fear of a wrong advice of other gay footballer. “Players who play with the thought to come out of the closet, by the Fans, I think, to fear not so much. The are many fears that do not exist only in the minds of some, but they are real,“ he said.

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to order “The problem is that the people have counselors and advisers around you, the advise also. The experience I made. The most thought that goes well. You have to listen to his own voice,“ he said. “Me too wanted to protect people, but that was wrong, because I’ve noticed, even after that, my life went on very, very well and I am very, very glad that I commented at that time.” (dpa)

“exclusion characterizes a” click here to read a daily mirror Interview with Thomas Hitzlsperger in December 2017.

More about

football and homosexuality in The difficult fight against homophobia

Frank Bachner

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