The Telegraph refers to the three anonymous EU sources as saying that uk officials have ”put out a feeler” and ”plumbed terrain” when it comes to pushing the article 50. It states that the withdrawal shall take place no later than two years after the country who want to go out officially has announced its intention.

to reconsider and modify utträdesparagrafen.

” We go out of the EU on 29 march, commenting on the british Brexitministern Stephen Barclay telegraph’s data. Barclay also points out that the changes in article 50 requires the unanimous agreement of all EU countries.

at the same time, the government has every reason to outwardly stand firm on what you previously said, until 15 January, when the british parliament shall vote on it with the laboriously negotiated utträdesavtalet with the EU.

in december, but the prime minister, Theresa May decided at the last moment to postpone the vote. Few analysts believe, however, that the approach to agreement among members has shifted enough for a yes.

it Will be a no in the next week, it is clear that the government May have to find some kind of new strategy.

May hope that the exchange of letters shall save the Brexit-agreement

Pia Gripenberg: Brexit-the year 2018 was a Scenes from a marriage