It is very important for us to know which policies Thorkildsen believes are not followed up. If she can’t show anything concrete, she has falsely accused an entire agency to not do its job, ” says Eirik Lae Solberg (H) to Dagbladet.

During the fray last autumn, said Inga Marte Thorkildsen (SV) that the policies had been thwarted by lack of cooperation on the part of the Utdanningsetaten.

the Politicians in Oslo are holding a Thursday hearing to get answers on what charges that are not followed up. Both Thorkildsen and former utdanningsdirektør Astrid Søgnen to explain themselves.

Through the fall of last year, Thorkildsen with ever new justifications for why she could not answer on what policies that are not followed up by the agency. One by one have these reasons now fallen away. In the hearing, we would expect, therefore, a response, says Eirik Lae Solberg.

Inga Marte to the last

the Opposition in Oslo has taken the matter with great concern from the beginning. If it is so that the agency and Astrid Søgnen has failed to follow the policy that is adopted in Oslo municipality, considered this as very serious.

Lae Solberg wanted Thorkildsen had to explain himself first, but byrådspartiene in Oslo, norway have used their flertallsposisjon to change the order in the hearing. Now Astrid Søgnen first in the fire, and Thorkildsen gets to explain themselves to the last.

The experience Lae Solberg as a clear misconduct from the Ap, SV, MDG and Red.

– ” We see clearly that the byrådspartiene and Red attempt to thwart the hearing and thus the rights in Oslo’s management system. This joins the line of cases where they use flertallsmakten its to prevent transparency and avoid to be looked in the cards. Byrådspartiene don’t want that Thorkildsen shall be held responsible for that she in practice mistenkeliggjorde Norway’s largest agency for the open stage, ” says Lae Solberg.

Inga Marte-video turns heads: – the Disorderly and unfortunate – Introduces the new practice

Harald Nissen (MDG) leader utdanningskomiteen, where the hearing is held. He asks Lae Solberg la be to meddle.

– It is quite particular that the leader of a party interferes in a single komites work. Here introduces Lae Solberg a new practice. The right has a faction leader in the committee, which shall stand for this work.

– I have in the whole of the autumn added to the right that the opposition should have asked the questions to byråden as they want. That they do not necessarily have gotten the answers they wanted, is a different matter. That byrådspartiene and Red using their majority when matters are to be determined, should not come as any surprise to the Right, ” says Nissen.


the Newspaper is known that the location of the Søgnen and Thorkildsen were the subject of debate during a planning meeting in advance of the hearing. It should have been argued that the relationship between Thorkildsen and Søgnen is so poor that the two do not have side by side of each other during the hearing.

Several in the meeting have nodded supportive to this, after the Dagbladet understand.

Thorkildsen “true friend” for cooperation with the former employer. But her disqualification was never considered

In my 15 years in politics I have never experienced that it appears to the body language and referred to specific discussions in a working. These meetings are closed. This undermines the entire arbeidsutvalgsinstituttet for committees, answering Harald Nissen.

But the debate about stolplassering was about that Thorkildsen and Søgnen not to sit next to each other?

– the Main was the location in relation to the practical implementation, but I think we also touched the topic about the placement between the two, answers Santa.

out of town Dørum: – Strange

It is the Left-veteran Odd Einar Dørum who leads the case for the Left. The hearing was added at the same time that he is on vacation, which he reviews as “strange”.

– It is strange that it would not do to have the hearing before christmas, for we have been waiting for four months to get answers, he says to Dagbladet.

Raymond Johansen have concluded in the alerts against Thorkildsen. Is not this a needless strafferunde?

– No. It is, in fact, our job is to get clarity in the collaborative relationships between the commissioner and the agency. If not byråden had entrusted to the public, before she trusted us in the committee, so we had never been here. 13. september, I asked about a statement in this matter. I never thought it would turn out necessary consultation to get clarity in what byråden actually believed, ” says Dørum.

the New alert in the Søgnen-the case related to Raymond Johansen