We’ve talked about this in Stortingsgruppa to the Frp. We are not interested in allowing this in the account.

It says member of parliament Morten Ørsal Johansen (FrP) from Oppland, norway about the government’s ulvevedtak from December.

contrary to the advice from the regional viltnemndene, decided the climate and miljøminister Ola Elvestuen (the Left) that one, not three, ulveflokker in ulvesonen should be placed.

Now, at the same time as the progress party, the Right Sector and Left the dealer about a new regjeringsplattform at Gran in Hadeland, has over 1500 people have announced that they will demonstrate against the government’s ulvepolitikk on Tuesday.

deputy mayor believes that the conservative party out of government: – We can’t keep on the way

– the Government violates the Parliament’s decision on bestandsmål of the wolf. When it has been made a settlement must have respect for each other’s position and follow it a is committed to, ” says Kjersti Hoff, head of the Norwegian Farmer and småbrukarlag, as one of the organizers, together with Norges Jeger – og Fiskerforbund (NJFF) and Norges skogeierforbund with several.

– Must be arranged in the municipal elections

to show that it was a decision of the whole government stood behind, had Elvestuen with the progress Brian Hokstrud and the Conservative Bent High, when the decision was published just before christmas.

Still have a number of politicians from both the Right and the progress party criticized its own government. Especially for the conservatives and the progress party politicians from the districts by ulvesonen, is the case difficult.

Ulvemotstander in the Right to attack on management

Better not of that the centre party, progress party’s biggest competitor in many municipalities, let the government review of the matter.

the progress party has so much good policy otherwise, it should not have so much to say, but it is clear it is challenging for us to defend. It is not a good case outside of the large cities for those who have this gap. But now assume I that we in the conservative party can do something with this in the municipal elections. It will make it easier, ” says Morten Ørsal Johansen.

What Frp concrete can do, he has, however, no answer on now.

” We’re talking with the other forlikspartiene and have a dialogue with them. Right now it is a bit difficult, since it is right in the regjeringsforhandlinger, ” he says.

progress party politician warns, however, against crude horse-trading about the wolf in the regjeringsforhandlingene.

– It is Parliament that has been agreed bestandsmålene, then it is the Parliament that gets to change it, it can’t happen through a hestehandel in regjeringsforhandlingene.

HEIGHTEN ENVIRONMENTAL standards: the Left will have a rematch on the wolf and the climate. Ketil Kjenseth (right) visited the dealers at Granavolden Friday Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix Show more the Left will have a rematch

From the miljøbevegeselen the government has also received severe criticism for having opened to trap the wolf in the ulvesonen. Animal protection organizations believe the decision is invalid, and has taken the Climate and miljødepartementet to the right.

the Left was not on the ulveforliket in 2012, but went on to add this to the reason in the regjeringsplattformen in the last year.

Now, they will however have a rematch. One of the resolutions from the Liberal sentralstyre is going to increase bestandsmålet.

– This has nothing in regjeringsforhandlingene to do. It is to jump goats over the Parliament, it can I find me not in, ” says Ørsal Johansen.

It rejects the head of the energy and miljøkomiteen in Parliament, Kjetil Kjenset (Left).

– This is our primærpolitikk, it is what we have with the us into the negotiations. Then we’ll see what we come out with. We must of course give and take, in the same way as the progress party must give and take. But we have obligations related to the predators in Norway as in all other countries, ” says Kjenseth.

He admits at the same time that it can be difficult to achieve.

I don’t see that rovdyrforliket is easy to challenge either the political Right or Left. I’m not sure that there is a lot to go on some of the roads there, ” he says.

Motpol on climate

climate policy is also one of the areas where the political Right and the Left are polar opposites.

Trine Skei Grande has stated that a lot has happened since the Jeløya-statement, and that emissions must be cut sharply in order to limit the global warming. The left has therefore sharpened their demands for cuts of greenhouse gases.

I am an optimist, ” says Kjenseth about the opportunity to come to a consensus on the climate also with the Frp.

– We now see that being good on the environment and the climate is attractive in many sectors, and important in a næringsutviklingsperspektiv. We see that if a is good at home have a greater opportunity to succeed there. Also the progress party sees the possibilities in this. They are concerned about the economy and jobs. We discuss more speed and instruments than about the is right and wrong, ” he says.

– Not a fan of such goals, the

Ørsal Johansen do not think it is important to reach the 1.5 degree goal.

I’m not a fan of having such goals. Then there is the goal, not the means that are important, he believes.

But also Frp politician believes business development is an area where it is easier to agree.

– To develop the business and competitiveness should be an area that unites all four parties, ” he says.

Tried to stop controversial hunting – in less than two hours were two wolf shot