Few of us is a champion of others in the name of remembering, but that skill can develop into a champion.Yoga teacher Antti the end of September presents a video on other yoga basics.
When we meet new people, we often forget after the presentation of the name of the same road.
Others seem to remember all the names.
They are not always inherent in the memory of terror, but they have a special technique to press the other names in the memory.
Wellandgood.com tell you that our brains weigh things down visually, acoustically, i.e. what we have heard, as well as semantically, i.e. the meaning of and already familiar to us of connections. This information can take advantage of memory.
the Article gives four tips on how we could remember more people’s names and even some of them of the countless number of codes, which we need.
1. Do rhyme
If the new effective feel your colleague name is Riina, the encoding name in my mind although riimillä Riina – always ready.
If the new acquaintance is a handsome car on the scene slid by, My, him, may you remember to say the words: My, she is interested in mani (money).
And your name was…? FOTOLIA2. Create your own letter word
Akronyymin i.e. letter acronym can be helpful, if kind of like you do.
for Example, ltd is an acronym of the word limited company EU European union.
If you’re crazy, say, a combination of letters with than HTML, you might get the right letters in the right order in my mind by tagging the acronym, for example, like this: Very Necessary to Remember the Abbreviation, HTML.
3. Come up with the beginning chords
Sometimes the name of a person to remember enough just the fact that you connect him with a suitable adjective that begins with the same letter as that person’s name.
the Fretful Maria, the Vivacious Elina, Hard-working, Antti, Long Peter, Virile Ville and Fresh Helena are examples of such combinations.
4. Did sanatar
a Small quirky story invented you can use painaaksesi to my mind the combination.
first, Think of each number to yourself the best fit to the corresponding object. Draw these objects and the numbers on the paper, so that they draw in my mind.
Zero can be a dish, the number one flag pole, two clothing henkarin hanging hook, three may be a bra (hanging up from another hakasesta, therefore, the vertical direction).
Chapter 2310 would like this hanger, bra, the flag pole and dish. The story as it would, say, like this: a coat hanger is hung with bras, and they pulled the flag to the pole, whose roots have the dish.
If you create a memorable number sequence a good, fun and clear story, you get this gimmick allows the printed code in my mind.