Sikhs in the Uk asks the prime minister Erna Solberg about the exception for passregelen. In an open letter to the prime minister asking the Ap-politician Prableen Kaur and founder of Young Sikhs in Norway, Sumeet Singh, on the amendment of the rule.
This writes the occasion of america’s state visit to India on Monday and Tuesday.
This you need to check in your passport before you travel is Denied make sure the
Passforskriften in Norway requires that the ears should appear on the photo used in the passport. This mean sikhene refuses them to get the pass when they, for religious reasons cannot show their ears.
Singh and Kaur writing to the prime minister that they are satisfied with america’s visit to India, but that they see it as a good opportunity to take up something special:
– It is still a challenge we must take up with you, and it is that the Norwegian sikhs with a turban denied the pass. The requirement to show the ears on the photographs were introduced through passforskriften in 2014, without that it first was submitted for consultation, they write in the letter.
TURBANDAGEN: Norwegian sikhs are helping to create turbaner on the Norwegian turbandagen at Rådhusplassen in Oslo, here from 2014. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB scanpix Show more
On the police’s website says that headgear must be approved by the religious exception, but that the head covering shall not cover any part of the face or more of the head than necessary. Finally, it states that both ears should be visible.
Still increased security
Passforskriften from 2014 was implemented to increase the security in Norway. In the letter writing Singh and Kaur about how the security is important, but that this is fully possible even though the rule about head coverings changed.
WANT to CHANGE the LAW: Sumeet Singh is a business graduate and the founder and leader of the Young Sikhs in Norway. He wants to change the law that the ears must appear on the passport photo. Photo: Private Show more
– Sikhene are concerned about safety, but we believe the goal can be reached through other measures, especially because there is no more than about 250 sikhs who consistently uses the turban, they write.
Now they hope that the matter can be resolved through a conversation and dialogue with the prime minister that does not go through the legal system.
the Turban is a religious head coverings traditionally worn by men and especially used in Turkey, India and Iran.
prime Minister Erna Solberg heads to India to visit the country’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, to strengthen Norway’s partnership with the world’s largest democracy. This is the first official stasministerbesøket to India since 2001.
So the new passport and id-card