The past year has exceeded all expectations. Also in December, the number of unemployed has fallen to a record low. Detlef Scheele, head of the employment Agency, therefore speaks of a very good development. “Encouraging the decline of long-term unemployment and progress in the labour market integration of fugitive people.” An Analysis.

How many people have no work?

Around 2.2 million people had last December out of a Job, such as the Federal employment Agency (BA) announced on Friday in Nuremberg. Compared to the previous month, the were around 23000. The unemployment rate rose slightly, to 4.9 percent. The reason is the slow beginning of the end of the Winter war: on some sites is not working in the cold and Frost.

for The full year 2018, 2.3 million people were unemployed – also a record. The average unemployment rate fell by 0.5 points to 5.2 percent. If we add those who are stuck in a measure of the jobcenter, training, One-Euro-Job exercise in a language course in sit, or older than 58 years, an average of 3.3 million people unemployed.

How it looks in Berlin-Brandenburg?

All eight of the minutes is created in 2018 somewhere in the Region of a new Job. Last 147 000 women and men were in Berlin registered as unemployed. The rate was 7.6 percent and was 0.8 percentage points lower than a year earlier. Alexander Schirp, managing Director of enterprise associations Berlin-Brandenburg (UVB) criticised the fact that the capital taking despite the many jobs created compared to the penultimate place. “Blame it on the high level of structural unemployment. Here is required first and foremost, the education system,“ he says. “Still, the number of young people in the school without a degree or without training maturity leave is much too high. We can’t afford to waste this potential.“ In Brandenburg, the employment agencies were around 79000 unemployed.

What is with the long-term unemployed?

As a long-term unemployed applies, who is looking for at least a year unsuccessfully for a Job. The number of people Affected was, on average, last year, nationwide, at 813000 – 87000 less than 2017. The decline in total is thus almost half of the success in fighting long-term unemployment.

Since the beginning of this year, the bulky Kling is also the end of “a chance to act”. Employers get a wage subsidy, if you set very assured hard-to-place long-term unemployed social. This includes people who are at least 25 years old and for at least six years of Hartz IV. The wage-cost subsidy for a maximum of five years. He is in the first two years, 100 percent of the statutory minimum wage. In the third and subsequent years of the grant will be reduced by ten percentage points. The job centers four billion euros for this measure are available until 2022.

How well the Refugees are integrated?

workers of foreign origin have contributed to the words of the Scheele significantly to the increase in Employment in this country. The sun on the free movement of persons within the European Union (EU), but also to the immigration of refugees. In the autumn of nearly 300000 people from the eight major asylum countries, Syria, Afghanistan, Eritrea, Iraq, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Somalia have had a social insurance Job. The were just under 95000 more than a year earlier. “Who would have thought three years ago that we announce such Figures,” said Scheele. Nevertheless, the Integration is still a long-distance race.

it is also True that It first found those refugees a Job, were fairly well educated and where it is not so difficult to learn English. But that is not the majority. Surveys show that three have of four of the refugees have no education. A quarter attended none or only a primary school. Only 40 per cent went to secondary school. The largest part of the refugees would have been so even then big problems on the German labour market, if there wouldn’t be language barriers. Of therefore were reported in December, 175000 Refugees to be unemployed. 603000 employable refugees Hartz IV benefits.

How many lives a total of Hartz IV?

for the First time since the creation of the politically controversial Hartz IV 14 years ago, the number of so-called needs of lay communities in November, just below the Three-million mark. In December, the latest Figures were in need of BA, 2,995 million households on basic social security. 5.7 percent fewer than a year earlier and 17 percent less than in 2008. A total of 5.9 million people in the needs of living communities. The head of the Federal Agency evaluates the decline as a success document for the System.

With the introduction of Hartz IV in 2005 under SPD Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, unemployment and social assistance. In the debate on the future of the basic security Scheele, also a member of the SPD had called, last for reforms. He had turned but at the same time, against claims arising from the SPD to a complete abolition.

What’s to criticize the critic?

Wolfgang strict man-Kuhn, a speaker for labour market policy in the case of the Greens, criticised the fact that despite the falling Figures, more than 1.1 million workers “need to increase their low income with Hartz IV”. Precarious employment is still widespread.

Johannes Vogel (FDP) said that the labour market for the digital future has to be made fit, “for example through more flexible working time act, which allows for more freedoms, when we work, how and from where”. In addition, there is a need, given the shortage of skilled workers “a real law on immigration with a points system according to the examples of successful countries of Immigration”. The draft bill of the coalition was “much too little”.

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The average annual number of reported 796000 open positions at the BA. In spite of the very high demand, the authority does not speak, nevertheless, from a comprehensive lack of skilled workers. There were shortages in some regions and in certain sectors – such as in IT and energy technology, construction, and development professions, as well as in the health and care professions. Page 8 and opinion page