Lennart Mogren writes in his letter to the editor about French yellow västarnas demands of the directly democratic reforms. We need to directly democratic reforms in Sweden.

Democracy is when the people are given power to determine matters of fact by a vote. One can say that Switzerland is the world’s most democratic country and a source of inspiration for many directly democratic movements in the world.

In Switzerland has continuously referenda on various issues. An initiative signed by at least 100,000 persons entitled to vote will lead to a referendum.

it is possible to oppose the decisions voted by the parliament by at least 50,000 persons to support a referendum to change the decision.

the Above should be obvious in all of the countries that call themselves democracies. When citizens are given the opportunity to peacefully correct the political decisions that are not supported by the majority, the creation of a more harmonious society.

In Sweden, as in other countries, a desire for a modern democracy with more popular influence in politics. In the last year: a Sifo-survey on behalf of the Direktdemokraterna showed that more than half of american (53%) want the polls in the sakpolitiska issues between ordinary elections.

in order to get through directly democratic reform in Sweden? None of the established parties has the issue on its agenda. It is rather that the politicians seem to want to give the impression that democracy is something harmful and that the voters are too ignorant to be given influence in politics.

When it comes to a vote on the jättepaket of the issues which each party offers considered, we are however capable. The parties are using some of the matters of the heart as bait for the voters, while other issues are sacrificed in the horse trading that occurs when parties are seeking each other’s support in parliament.

To rebel and demonstrate, like the yellow vests may be appealing. It is, however, extremely doubtful if this kind of protest will get any politicians that really want to go the demonstrators to the meeting.

how we are going to go towards more public influence, is according to me both simpler and quite obvious. You have a chance to change democracy and give yourself extended the right to vote. The chance is normally given every four years, and with today’s representative democracy, there is no right of withdrawal.

Those who do not want to wait four years between opportunities to use the precious right to vote shall give your trust to the party that prioritizes democracy over all other issues. Democracy is a cornerstone that multiply citizens ‘ opportunities for political influence and the decisions of the majority. It is not how we want our democracy to work?