There’s one in every class. The children who can’t sit in school quietly and in an uncontrolled manner purely. The children who don’t listen to the instructions of the teacher, because it’s much more interesting is to observe the Gspändli in the front row, as it takes out the folder. Or those who are simply dreaming and this is slower than the other. The symptoms of ADHD are varied, the expression is quite different. Renata T. (Name changed), who lives with her family for some years in Winterthur, Switzerland, has two children in which ADHD is diagnosed. Their daughter Sara is 16, the son of Olaf changed 13 years of age (both names).

Sara was already in Kindergarten. You crack other children by the hair, was very lively and restless. “She was a social difficult child,” recalls Renata T. “And it still is.” The family had the check to Sara and sent her on a recommendation from the therapist to the therapeutic-educational riding. “It was a great Rösslifan, and the therapist said they should pick you up there,” says the mother. Sara was also in psychotherapy and in the psycho-motor skills. And they came up in a training class.

Calming effect

But the difficulties remained, and as Sara in the first class was decided by the family to try it with medication. “When we received the diagnosis of ADHD and to us, the therapist recommended to give Ritalin, I thought, for God’s sake, I want my child, but not quiet.” However, the attempt was worth the effort. Sara was calmer now, although the effect was so great that Sara, the school can visit. Later, I was diagnosed with Sara even a Asperger’s syndrome.

Sara came in a private school because in a small class. The municipality took over the cost of Education – the family lived at the time, in Winterthur. “We were lucky”, says Renata T. In a normal school, Sara would not have fit. Sara never attended school and today is still in the psychotherapy and to the therapeutic-educational riding.

“used to talk to Sara without point and comma.”Renata T.

to find The correct dosage for the drugs, was not easy. According to a therapist exchange, the dose was increased and the medication changed. On a proposal from the school paused Sara for a year. In the job-finding phase, the family then decided to start again with a drug treatment. Sara is now, since last autumn a new product. “You can concentrate better and blows up less quickly, if you and your brother fight.”

the problem with The lack of appetite could be regulated with the new drug. Thus, you have in the evening no hot hunger for more. Earlier Sara had been talking, also, “without point and comma and was very loud.” This was better, says Renata T. Meanwhile, Sara is visited by a group for Asperger’s young people in Zurich, she trains social skills.

Close contact with teachers

today’s 13-year-old Olaf was in Kindergarten large. “He could sit still even for an hour.” Since Renata T. was sensitized by Sara, she informed her teacher of the first class, about his problems. “We were always in close contact with the teachers, which was very valuable for us.” And as the teacher came in the second Semester of their limits, but the family decided for a clarification. Olaf was also diagnosed with ADHD.

“is jealousy between the children is still an issue. You can argue each Gummibärli.”Renata T.

this Time, the family, the decision was easier to try it with medication. “We started at the beginning of the summer holidays and increased the dose slowly.” With the result that the teacher gave on the first day of school the feedback, Olaf could concentrate much better. He was a completely different child. At home, the frustration limit is higher. The jealousy between siblings has always been a difficult topic. “She still is. You can argue each Gummibärli.” Olaf, thanks to the drugs, but under better control.

school days are drugs days

Also in the case of Olaf, the dosage had to be adjusted again later. You had lowered your son is feeling better now, tells the mother. He could visit thanks to the medication, the school, and get on with the homework. In the meantime, he is taking the medication only on the days he has school. On the weekend or in the holidays, he agreed. The functioning well, says Renata T. their conclusion is that they would decide again for the drugs. “To give the children the opportunity to reach their potential. Because they’re not stupid. You are very quickly distracted.”

advice and information about ADHD:

“the fathers see the Problem differently,”

parents give their child Ritalin, when the pressure for the family became too large, the sociologist Dominik Robin says.

Why do you have to give examined, as parents, your child Ritalin?
The investigation was a follow-up project of another study, which showed that the ritalin consumption between 2006 and 2012, a rise of only stagnated from 2010. This brought us to the question, what are the criteria to parents for medication to decide.

And what conclusion did you come?
A major reason, if not the most important, is the suffering of the child and the parents in the School and her family life.

The means?
Most of the time it goes to print in the school to high expectations and excessive demands. Children must perform in school performance, and fast, what you can’t often. Dangerous interaction between the school’s challenges and the family Situation. The child feels stupid and helpless, because it is slow. It might come home and gives it to the brother on the roof. This leads to quarrels in the family and in a downward spiral.

“All parents have a long, tedious treatment ways”: Dominik Robin, a sociologist. Photo: pd

According to their study results, about three-quarters of the parents to give the suffering of the child as the reason for the drug delivery.
It is true, in the online survey, around three-quarters of the parents indicated the pressure as the reason. In the Interviews we conducted with parents of affected children, we came to the same conclusion.

How quickly after the diagnosis, parents choose a rule for Ritalin?
All have a long, tedious Treatment. You have started with, for example, speech therapy, various Hobbies, and alternative therapies such as homeopathy or music therapy tried. For drugs, the parents decide, if everything else is good for little or nothing. The decision-making process is complex and lengthy.

parent cases, the decision therefore not to be taken lightly.
no, this has been shown by this study and the previous study. The Motto is: We don’t know, we have already tried a lot, now we try it with Ritalin.

What were the biggest concerns of the parents?
The side effects of drugs such as appetite disturbances and problems with sleep or to sleep Through. But the question is: Will the child at all? The consumption of Medicines can lead the comrades to a stigma.

participation in The online survey was voluntary. Was not the danger, especially parents report back, have to like your decision is already aware of?
It is certainly true that more motivated parents have completed the questionnaire, parents of German and to get information events. You can’t talk nice. There is a target audience that is very difficult to achieve. As a result, almost no studies in which fathers were interviewed exist, for example. I know of only one from England. It showed that fathers see the Problem. As it is in Switzerland, I do not know.

What do you mean with: fathers see the Problem differently?
That you will not find it so bad, how the child behaves. And that you will find it less necessary to give medication. This can lead to dispute between the parents. In the case of divorced parents, for example, because the child is not along in everyday life with the father. This is not to say, however, that the image of our study is totally wrong.

What has brought the study from a scientific point of view?
it shows that you should pay special attention to the suffering of the child. This is often, but not always. It is always an interaction between school and family. This is a core statement of our study. The pressure starts in school and continues on the family and the children. ADHD is a social Problem.

Dominik Robin is a sociologist at the Institute for health Sciences at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) in Winterthur, and Co-Director of the study, carried out by the ZHAW in cooperation with the University of Freiburg and the ETH Zurich.

This article first appeared on 29. January 2018 in the “land messengers”.

(der landbote)

Created: 04.01.2019, 12:51 PM