Moroccan police are still working in full strength to find suspected persons, after Mary Ueland (28) and the Danish Louisa Vesterager Jespersen (24) was killed on the mountains in Morocco in December.

22 people are now indicted in the case. One of them is a man with a double citizenship, swiss and Spanish.

We still don’t know so much about this sveitseren, but he should have been a muslim for three years ago. The man lived in the same area as the four individuals who were first arrested and charged with dobbeltdrapene, ” says a journalist in medieorganisasjonen Kech24 to the Newspaper.

– ICE-recruitment MOROCCO: Behind this door in the outskirts of Marrakech, there lived one of the drapsmistenkte. Dagbladet met his father and brother. Video: John Terje Pedersen / Dagbladet Show more

Sveitseren that is suspected to have been involved in dobbeltdrapet should have had a lot of contact with people in fundamentalist islamistmiljøet.

Police believe sveitseren have helped with training in communications equipment. He should also have tried to recruit people to go to Syria to be a part of terrororganisasjonen Daesh (IS, journ.anm), according to Dagbladet sources.

– We don’t know any more than this about sveitseren yet, ” says a mediakilde.

Praised the killings on the net

In addition, the police arrested 15 persons for having praised dobbeltdrapene. Most of the 15 praised the killings on the web.

One of them has already been convicted. He got one year in prison for having praised the killings, the Newspaper stated.

The suspects DESIGNATED AS LEADER: Moroccan police believe that Abdessamad Ejjoud is the leader of the terrorgruppa that killed the two women. Photo: Kesh 24 Show more

The prime suspect in the case is gateselgeren Abdessamad Ejjoud (25), plumber Abderrahim Khayali (33), detachment Younes Ouaziyad (27) and gateleverandøren Rachid Afatti (33).

Abderrahim Khayali was the first who was arrested for the murders, and was taken as a result of that police found the id card of his at the scene.

Ejjoud, Younes Ouaziyad and Rachid Afatti, were apprehended as they were about to escape from Marrakech in a bus.

These four individuals should have taken video of drapshandlingen, which later was spread on the internet a video that Kripos believes can be real.

They were arrested in Marrakech and be accused of having belonged to a cell inspired by the IS’s ideology, says the country’s antiterrorsjef Abdelhak Khiam to the news agency AFP.

None of the four have had contact with IS members in Syria or Iraq, says he further.

SAYS: The three men who were clamoring for the deaths of Mary Ueland (28), and Louisa Vesterager Jespersen (24) was apprehended on a bus in Morocco after 72 hour-paced chase. Video: John Terje Pedersen / NTB Scanpix / moroccan police / Kesh24 Show more