Rarely is a situation so clearly scandalous, and the General Public still largely dam has been weigh-in: There is a glaring mismatch of almost exploding 188 000 scientific staff in approximately stable 37 000 high-school teaching. This has led to a narrow bottle neck for the Professor young, and to a short time before the collective desperation of the outbreak among the scientific staff. Their part-time contracts are, as a rule, in a few years. In the parliamentary election in 2017 this scandal played no role in the coalition agreement and in the collective agreement, preparations of the public employer and the trade unions.

Also the German rectors ‘ conference (HRK) and the Council does not care seriously about the Problem. School policy will be arguing, universities silent. 2.8 million students a sleep factor. For the past ten years, students have practiced in cross bravheit – as if the Bachelor’s dumbed down rather than judgment.

it’s high time for the promotion of young talent

in view of the amendment to the basic law of 2014, which allows the Federal government to invest permanently in the basic funding of the universities, it is overdue to do so. However, the indecision, and even unwillingness, the inherited Federal Minister Anja Karliczek (CDU) of its predecessors, obviously, extends to the Chance to finally improve the ratio between teaching staff and students in a sustainable manner. Rather than report with constructive suggestions and initiatives for the word familiar Karliczek that in the future chairs of the priority of Lidl, Deutsche Bank and Volkswagen will be paid.

As it would be with a Federal program for 1000 full – time and part-time professorships in new fields of research and promotion of young researchers? It could be used to address the blatant abuse to the approach way, politically and, at least, mitigate. The already-running program for 1000 Tenure-Track professorships has a completely different alignment and is not the developed here is the proposal into the enclosure.

traffic turning and to investigate the cause of Flight

Who’s in heat, which is highly relevant to society and other fields of Research takes place in publicly funded research, Embarrassing is. The automotive industry is 45 billion euros in research schmucker cars – and the universities have not a single truly independent Institute for mobility(Traffic rotary)research. The social science research center Berlin (WZB), for example, has set the international automotive research and the experts that we encounter often in television, are often close to an automobile group. This is slightly limited also for the international migration research and research on democracy. About the ridiculousness of the Africa-research, we do not want to speak. Because of causes of Flight combat.

How big is the suffering of the next generation of researchers now, show the activities of a 2017 based network of the Central structure. It struggles to strategies, the obvious scandal, both at the level of collective bargaining, as well as with an Alliance with students to develop an exemplary strike in the summer term 2019. This Initiative, also the 4000 lecturers to connect, is the “doctrine of zero tariff” on the Hand.

opportunities for part-time professorship

With a program for full – time and part-time professorships could afford the Minister an exciting project for the future of work. The universities need not only self-centered men, good scholars working on their habilitation and Adapted, but people with a variety of skills. Nationwide, 150 colleagues, the part-time professorship models job mostly on the Basis of a Two-thirds-for over 30 years, have practiced, could well explain why the existence as overloaded, research grated high-school teachers is not a fate must be.

Rather, they can live out their needs for more research or more teaching – and according to their individual Work-Life Balance. Also, an employee living in a permanent job, but without the Professor, more people must be made possible at the universities. Here in Germany compared to Canada, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland and the Netherlands, considerable pent-up demand. The students accept in any case, such models, in which their Profs in the case of continuous Two-thirds payment in the cycle “Two years of full – time a year free” work.

The bubbling cauldron pacify

The Minister of education should maintain your Chance to pacify the seething cauldron – and not to listen to the professors, the stares are largely only on yourself and your research sales. Could announce Anja Karliczek your progressive professors program in the crowded Audimax of the Humboldt University in Berlin – that would be a more effective serve.

More about

Precarious employment in the science “lecturers often work for three euros per hour,”

Peter Grottian

Peter Grottian is high school teacher of political science at the FU Berlin, was from 1985 to 2007 part-time high school teacher in a Trio with colleagues Wolf-Dieter Narr and Bodo Zeuner and co-initiator of the education strikes in 2008/09. To his demands for a Federal program for 1000 professors Grottian, the Federal Minister of education and research recently wrote a letter.