It is a typical village in the Mark Brandenburg, North of Frohnau. Up to the fall of the wall, Stolpe was in the restricted area. The tree-lined footpath, today it is downright idyllic on the fields of Frohnau up in the middle of the place, until the end of 1989 only for the border strip to use. Parallel to the boundary of the fortified Postenweg was.

Between Frohnau and Stolpe is a Golf today course. The former is a direct access to the street of the village and to the center of the town, the churchyard, and in 1822, with a tower ornamented Church and the traditional Inn “The crooked Linden”, is only partly visible. But on the site itself, the time seem to be runs.

The Germans learned nothing

That it was once a prosperous settlement was known, of course. The family of Pannwitz had purchased the estate in 1759, and made a modern farm, with brick factory, a tar-oven, a large potato-growing and vast forests. In 1937, the city of Berlin, Stolpe acquired and made it to your city’s goods – the most profitable, as it was called later.

But Stolpe lived through the Second world war, a very unusual fate – the village came on the 10. November 1945, under French command, even though it was in the Russian-occupied part of Germany. The reason is that The French wanted to build an airport. Both occupying powers were in a Protocol of 29. October 1945, as agreed. From this point on, the four allies of a co-ordinated and uniform approach in Berlin.

daily mirror people


to order, at the Latest, the beginning of the Blockade of West Berlin on 24. June 1948 everything changed. The French decided to build the new airport in Berlin-Tegel, and gave up their plans in Stolpe. They blew up in Tegel two masts, which were used by the Soviets for the radio, you would have stood in the flight path of the new airport. At the end of 1948, the French probably, that you would pass Stolpe to the Russians. The Germans learned nothing. The commanding French General, called the later a “painful matter”.

daily mirror-founder Erik Reger additional images 1 of 11Foto: dpa27 ads.09.In 2017 07:52Zeitungsgründer. The Journalist, publicist, writer, co-publisher and editor-in-chief of the Berliner Tagesspiegel, Erik Reger…previous Next

unaware, could the inhabitants of Stolpe in the election to the municipal Assembly of greater Berlin on 5. December 1948 to participate in and to 93 percent for the democratic parties. The greater the shock must have been when they learned a little later from the forthcoming Handover to the Russians. You should be on 3. In January 1949, a Monday.

The daily mirror in its issue of 21. December 1948, a Tuesday, one of the two put up on page 1 in value. The Heading was looking for: “a vote for the liberty, miss – delivery, of the village of Stolpe on the Russians”. Of course, from the point of view of the victorious powers – no one had asked the people of Stolpe, whether they were with this change of ownership consent. The mayor of the place was informed by the French that they would hand the site over to the Russians. The hesitated, but, was afraid, this is the population to inform immediately the Concerned learned only through Radio and Newspapers, what would happen to you.

The French moved in and transported to the farm equipment which they had brought in 1945, after Stolpe. In an attempt to bring the cattle herds in a French area, was a part of the herd on Russian territory and was seized by the Russian army. The French caught up with the Tricolor and the police moved the station to Reinickendorf, the fire Department is prepared for the move.

the end of freedom. This photo of the day mirror printed at the turn of the year 1948/49.Photo: Tsp

The daily mirror reported that the Russians had at the time of Acquisition Stolpes large quantities of food is found, the left by the French – after all, the Well had Stolpe, the entire staple for the French occupation forces in Berlin produced: ten thousand hundredweight of potatoes, and thousands of tons of grain fell into Russian hands. This was the Last of the 60 air bridge machine, diagnosed the Rapporteur of the daily mirror.

what is the population of Stolpes went right in the West, from the reports were not read. After all, the Journalist is reminiscent of the free vote of the stumbling in the elections on may 5. December and closes his long Text in the output of 21. December 1948 with these lines: “It is therefore difficult to understand why the French were able to allow the inhabitants of Stolpe on the choice of 5. December parties. They did this to a particularly high percentage, which is certainly explained by the tactile proximity of the Russian occupying power. And now the same population as those delivered, against which she has just expressed unambiguously. You could have the inhabitants of Stolpe spare. As it happened, you should move to ensure that everyone feels at risk, given the opportunity, in the French sector of Berlin. The freedom is likely to be Endangered is more important than the loss of the house and yard. The feeling of the occupying power, of you have their trust known to have been abandoned, should not be extinguished.“

96 districts, 96 pictures, 100% Berlin more images 1 view 96Foto: Kitty Kleist-Heinrich14.01.2016 08:38Neukölln, the District of Neukölln. Great goodness, what are we supposed to write about Neukölln? Alas, we prefer the best of…Back More

Would have been built in the airport Stolpe in the North of Berlin after 1945, we would have been there with Schönefeld in the South, absolutely similar Situation. Also there would be a large airport, directly on the Berliner Ring, with the same wind, identical to the orientation of the runways in Eastern conditions-West direction. Hohen-Neuendorf and Birkenwerder were likely to have been long since razed to the ground. And Tegel? Märkische Heide with Pine trees…

interested in history? Click here to read the day book records of day-mirror-founder Erik Reger to the end of the war in 1945, the Zero hour in Berlin and Brandenburg. More about Erik Reger, and other days mirror authors of the early years, you can find on our topic page. Archive-posts from the post-war period can also be found on Twitter.

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