“We offer radio for the elderly on the way we can,”

“the Replica from the Swedish Radio on a station for listeners over 55”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“REPLICA. Alf Engström, asks in an opinion piece in which channel the over 55 has its radio. The answer is that we hope that it is available in several of the Swedish Radio channels and our lyssnarsiffror also shows that this is the case, which of course we think is very, very good. “

“A big part of our audience, P1, P2, and P4 consists of those who are over 50. Of our FM stations is P3 the exception, as it is the channel which has the clearest targeting on age towards younger listeners, who listen as much in the daytime as at other times.”

“But the Alf Engström actually refers to is a certain type of program, specifically, he refers to the webbkanalen P4 Plus. This is very true for a web-based channel that we currently run as a experimentkanal. “

“The most obvious reason for this is that we do not have a place in the FM band for the channel. We would therefore like to offer the range we do in the P4 Plus the way we can.”

“Unfortunately, we have neither the place or afford to offer a large number of dedicated channels for all groups, as much as we would like it. Therefore, there is a lot of material only via the web at the same time that we are making available for example, P4 Plus, our minoritetsutbud and, for example, Barnradion at different times in our FM channels. “

“We would also like to add more resources to the children and young people who receive a fraction of the resources spent on the programmes to a greater extent listened to by the older listeners. “

“of course It is always a question of how we best use our resources to reach as many people as possible. It’s really not about discriminating against a certain group.”

“The older population is also becoming increasingly more digital why we believe that it is a functional way to offer this audience the range we do. According to the study Swedes and the internet have 97% of 66-75 year-olds access to the network. The group to which the asset is rising fastest is the over 76, where the now 87 per cent have internet access. “

“And look only at the use of the internet in your phone, where you can hear our range via the web or via our app Sveriges Radio Play, and where, among other things the P4 Plus is available, increasing the use huge. According to the same survey, the daily use of those between 56-65 over the last year, 75 per cent (up from 64 per cent the year before) and for those between 66-75 it was 62 per cent (an increase from 51 per cent the year before). “

“This huge development means that we believe that we can reach large groups of listeners also digitally in order to be able to give more listeners, the group Alf Engström describes, the content they want.”

“nBjörn Löfdahl, deputy president and director of the Swedish Radio.”

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“the Article is a replica. Read the full the debate here:”